To My Ex Best Friend...
Hey girl! What's up? How you been? I can see so many things haven't changed. Still as salty as ever.
I'm not writing this to you to bash you because you have done that enough for the both of us and I just don't roll that way. I just wanted to say thank you. Yes you heard that right, thank you!
Thank you for showing me how a real friend isn't supposed to act. It might have taken me 12 years of you walking all over me, abusing our friendship, looking down on me and putting me down to finally realize but boy are my eyes open now.
Now that I am 25 years old I have come to find out who my true friends are in my life. I will forever keep these types of people close to my heart. They are genuine people who care about what is going on in my life, how well I succeed, and always share their love. They were never trying to one up me or are always focused on themselves or being right all the time & in case you didn't know, this is exactly how you were.
I hope you are happy with where you are in your life. I hope your family is doing well and I hope you have everything you could ever want. But what I also hope is that you have opened your eyes and realized you can't treat people the way you treat them for the rest of your life. I promise you it will never work out.
So I thank you for teaching me many lessons but I really thank you for no longer being in my life.
Good luck,
The best friend you will never have again.