Dear Rory,
You have no idea how much you mean to me because you're a dog and you can only comprehend so much. But I don't care because the world needs to know:
Thanks for always keeping me grounded.
Everything I do, I do it because I have a responsibility to you. Everything contributing to keeping myself safe: sleeping early enough, eating enough food, going to therapy, never getting myself into a dangerous situation or just staying home instead of risking it, and always taking my medication is all because I know you depend on me for everything. While some may think having a dog in college is a pain, you're the reason I always come home safe. I never do anything that could risk my safety (i.e. drugs, drinking & driving, meeting strangers etc. And it might sound scary, but you're the reason I stay alive because sometimes it's hard to do it for myself.
Besides, no one knows me like you do.
Language barriers mean nothing to us, you're always talking to me and if my words aren't "treat," "car ride," "outside," "biscuit," "high-five," "sit," or "I love you" they don't really mean that much anyway. You always know my emotions based solely on what name I call you; "little sh*t" when I'm mad at you, "pumpkin-butt" when I'm happy, "fluffy squirrel" when I adore you, and an array of cooing when you've done something irrevocably adorable.
My only regret is that I didn't cherish you more as a puppy. To be fair, it's really hard for a person to appreciate wonderful things when they are deeply depressed. But I know you came just in time because I really needed you. No matter what the scales may say, I'm always beautiful to you. No matter how the world paints me, you know my illness doesn't define me. You've seen all my scary parts and not once have you stopped loving me.
Thank you for every time I have come home and just cried while hugging you that you never left until I calmed down.
Thank you for always dealing with my crap, because sometimes even I don't know what I'm doing.
Thank you for always coming back when I called your name, and for never leaving me like others have.
Thank you for always being there to welcome me when I get home, so I know I've been missed.
Thank you for always sleeping by my feet, so that when I wake up from my racing thoughts, you're right there to comfort me until I can go back to sleep.
Thank you for giving me kisses and cuddles, no matter the occasion.
I tend always regret my mistakes, they are the things that keep me up every waking hour. However, I'm so glad I hit rock bottom when I did because if I didn't, I would never have you.
Love, Mommy.