If you're a college student with the final exams just weeks away from today, chances are you are stressed and attempting to procrastinate right now. Your grades in your class probably don't so well and honestly if you flunk your final exam it's hard to say if you would even pass the class. By now you're anxious and scared of the looming exams that you think you're probably going to fail and how to retake the class over again and completely destroy your GPA. You've lost all confidence in yourself to succeed because there's just so much on your hands right now with schoolwork, studying, and social life that it's impossible to organize them so that one doesn't conflict with the other. Maybe you even feel that there's no point in struggling because there's no hope left anyways and the person that was full of confidence and encouragement at the beginning of the semester was long gone. Yet when you repeatedly ask yourself if you're ready to give up a small part of you still suggests that there's still hope, that the passion that once drove you to take these classes still exists.
What is a belief? As Google defines it is trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something. When we think about belief we would resort to thinking about people's belief in religion or some sort of idea. However as there's much more to belief than just religion. Believing means that you think that something is true even though there aren't facts pointing towards it or away from it. Believing means that you are willing to put money on it and that the thing you believe in has your trust. Believing means even if everything is lost you will still have hope in that thing you believe. We often times think that we could only believe in entities other than ourselves, that what we believe in must be some other object or person, but in reality the most important thing to believe in is ourselves.
When we start to lose belief in ourselves, we begin to distrust our actions, our thoughts, and our plans; Everything we do will be meaningless to us because we don't believe it will be any help to us or make any progress. Some people choose to dedicate their entire life into believing in something else and that's why there's terrorism and extremists that are willing to sacrifice themselves to support the thing they believe in. They don't trust in anything else other than the people who also believe in the same thing they do and everything that's not part of their belief are all expendables in the face of belief. When we lose belief in ourselves, we are literally being orientated by our own mind. We begin distrust everything we do like how we would distrust a stranger's action. We make ourselves become foreign to our own mind and in return our mind devalues everything we do. When a person believes in a cause or a person, they are willing to give up anything for it. A person without belief is like a person without a brain because they would have no purpose to continue to live. Everyone in this world continues to strive for that belief and once that belief is broken and they have nothing to fight for they fall off and die.
This is why so many college students have depression. They could no longer find the belief they once had before starting college and they were so confident that they could endure anything before all the college pressure hit them like a truck. Now with the final exams coming forward the final blow is coming towards our way and it's time to fire up the initiate belief and trust we had in ourselves. The more time we spend on doubting whether we could pass the exams the less time we will spending to study. We're so focused on distrusting ourselves and our capabilities that we become paralyzed. You won't realize how strong and powerful you are when you don't believe in yourself, so now is the time to stand up and ignite that confidence you had when you started this semester. Remember what your goal was and what you wanted to be in the future? Remember the burning passion you had before the start of college? Remember how you would do anything to become that person you envisioned yourself to be in the future? So now is the time to believe in yourself, to trust in your capabilities, and to be able to get that bread. You just have to believe.