Dear daddy,
You are caring, intelligent and genuine. I do not tell you nearly enough how much I appreciate you. I know I can always rely on you. You would drive 6 hours just to help me stop crying because I had a bad day. (Rip freshman year).
Thank you for texting me everyday just so I know you are thinking about me.
Thank you for allowing me to make my own decisions and deal with the consequences, whether they are good or bad. I also high key hate when you say "you know what's best".
Thank you for promoting education and teaching me that coffee is great no matter what time of day or night it is.
Thank you for being a police officer and putting your life on the line everyday just to make sure someone else's daughter can be as thankful to have their dad as I am to have you. I know those missed holidays and night shifts were rough when I was a little girl, but even back then I knew that you were helping others.
Thank you for loving memes because that's super cool.
Thank you for dancing with me even when there is no music because it makes me happy.
Thank you for watching crime shows with me and figuring out who the killer is within 30 seconds. It always blows my mind.
Thank you for going on all those driving lessons with me when I was in high school. I still replay those conversations in my head.
Thank you for teaching me how to love gracefully and with my whole heart despite obstacles that may occur. I'm thankful that you have taught me that I am worth more than most boys are able to give and that I need to wait for a man who would treat me as well as you do.
Thank you for your continuous support, being the best mentor and my number one fan all at once.
I love all of our memories together and I'm happy that we continue to create more despite the hundreds of miles between us.
I am blessed to have had such an amazing father like you. Most people are not as lucky as me and I pray, thanking god for giving me the best daddy in the whole world.
P.s. Guess what. Love you.