If you're as lucky as I am, you have fond memories of your cousins from as far back as you can remember. Mine were my first friends and played a big part in my childhood. Back then, they were always there to play with or talk to. Now they are always up for an adventure and I know I can count on them to give great advice. This letter goes out to my cousins (all 33 of them) and great cousins everywhere.
Dear cousins,
I just wanted to write you a little letter of appreciation for helping me grow and for giving me so many great memories.
Thank you for being my friend.
Ok I get that you kind of have to be my friend because we're related and all, but thanks anyway. You know almost everything about me, good and bad, and you still think I'm cool; thanks for that.
Thank you for helping me make great memories.
Our parents are siblings, so we were always together at every family reunion, holiday gathering, and Sunday lunch at Culver's. At least every other weekend we would see each other. In the past, during our time together we went up north, played dress-up, swam in my aunt's pond, had sleep overs, and even started a band called Just Be Cuz..ins (clever, I know). My favorite childhood memories were made with you guys and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
Late night trip to Buffalo Wild Wings? You want to go. Venture through the woods with four girls on one four-wheeler? You'll take the risk. Playing Cards? Popcorn and a movie? DIY and craft night? Check, check, and check.
Thank you for making time for me.
All of our schedules are super crazy, but we still find time to do the fun activities I listed above. We even find time to support each other by attending sport games, recitals, and other activities we're involved in.
Thank you for going on road trips with our families.
I can't even think of a better family bonding experience than a road trip. It was really fun entertaining each other the long hours we spent in the car. These mini-vacations are ones we will never forget.
Thank you for listening to my problems.
Life can sometimes bring stress and some drama; so thanks for being there to listen to me vent about it all. Just listening is great, and your advice is an extra bonus. I will always be there to listen to your problems and I'm happy to help.
To my older cousins, thank you for being role models.
Even though you're older and didn't necessarily want to hang out with kids 10 years younger; thank you for still making an impact on my life. We always looked up to you and wanted to be like you. You taught us what to do and sometimes what not to do.
To some of my older cousins, thank you for bringing second cousins into my life.
I think the opportunity to be a role model for younger members of my family is really awesome. It's fun to be a part of their lives and watch them grow up. And getting to hold a baby at all of the family events is pretty cool too.
To my cousins who live far away, thank you for living your dreams and being an inspiration.
Even though I don't see you very often, I think it's great that you are living on your own terms. I love seeing and hearing about all of your adventures, even if it's just though Facebook.
Thank you for being a friend, role model, or partner in crime thus far and I look forward to a friendship I know will last a lifetime.