Dear Sara,
First of all, I want to say thank you for being my cousin, I know you had no choice but thank you anyway. I remember when you were first born, I was so excited to see you and you were so cute and squishy. I practically grew up with you because we always saw each other at Nanny's house on the weekends. Watching you grow up was amazing because I felt closer to you. I loved hanging out in the backyard looking for snails or just playing pretend with your other sisters.
To this day I will tell stories of the things we did, and the laughs we've shared. When they ask me how old you are I have to sit back and think. I still think you are the little girl who loves snails, being outside and sports. I remember I was practicing for my volleyball team and I brought my ball over to Nanny's one weekend, the first thing you said to me was, "Can I play?" From that moment I was so excited that you wanted to learn and take an interest in the sport.
Flash forward to your 13th birthday, God, that was a tough one. I remember not knowing what to do with myself because you have grown up before my eyes and soon enough you were a young woman. I could only imagine how your parents felt. I loved being able to see you and just goof off and tell jokes.
When you asked me to be your sponsor I was completely speechless. I thought it was fake or that it was some sort of prank. I am so honored you chose me. Once you told me the date I went into a state of panic because I thought I wouldn't be able to make it because of my classes, but I worked everything out! When everything was finalized I knew I had to call you right away. The tone of your voice made me so happy. I am so glad you were so happy for me to be there. I am so excited for this day and I know we will remember this moment forever!
You are such a wonderful person, and I want you to know that. You are beautiful inside and out. I look forward to always see you and I love you so much! It makes me happy to know you can about me too, always asking if Pj is treating me right and making sure I am okay.
Things I promise:
I promise to always be there fro you! I am ALWAYS a phone call away. You can talk to me about anything, ANYTHING. I will always love you and support you no matter what. I promise to be your rock, to be your support, and a shoulder to cry on. I promise to be silly and make you laugh. I want to be the person you feel the most comfortable with and I will do anything for you.