If you're reading this, you probably have a roommate who has become so much more than that. If you are lucky enough to have the same roommate for all four years of undergrad, then this article is surely for you.
I remember walking into my dorm room that Friday of opening weekend with my parents and making multiple trips up and down the flights of stairs to unload all of my belongings while thinking, I wonder if my roommate will be fun. After my side of the non-air-conditioned dorm room was filled with a bunch of posters and pictures of my friends back home, she walks in and our parents spoke for a few minutes and they made us take the most awkward “new roommates” picture ever. (I really hope that picture has been lost in the cyber world) After both of our parent left there was a moment of silence and then she said, “You do go out right?” After that question was asked, I’m pretty sure I stated something along the lines of, “We’re going to be best friends.” Well, I was right.
Thanks for basically doing everything with me.
I mean everything. Whether it was going to class together, going to eat, going to the bathroom (that sounds weird, but it’s really not -- I don’t think). Sitting in silence watching different Netflix shows on our laptops for hours on end. This would be very weird, if it were anyone else, but it’s your roommate so it’s normal.
Thanks for being my wing woman.
My roommate happens to be in the best relationship ever, which makes her the ultimate wing woman. Thanks for holding my hand while we walk from house party to house party and all the way down to the bars. The best snapchats always happen with you and I and we always seem to have the best time. Plus, when we go out together we never have to walk home alone because we are going to the same place. Or, if one of us doesn’t feel like going out we always let each other in through the side door instead of checking in after hours, which comes in clutch for various reasons. (Sorry, not sorry RAs.)
Thanks for having “mini” freak outs with me about life.
You have seen me at my best and at my worst. I wouldn’t want anyone else to hug me or wipe away my tears that were usually black from my mascara running. You have helped me make my class schedule for almost three years now. Honestly, she should be paid to make class schedules. No class on Friday? I’ll take it. Walking to meet me half way in various locations and during this have always talked to me on the phone. You help life seem less muddled and you just can’t put a price on that.
Thanks for still keeping in touch through summer and all of the school breaks.
You may live four hours away, but we talk pretty much every day and know what is going on in each other’s lives like there isn’t 294.8 miles between us. It’s weird when we aren’t under the same roof. I remember it was an adjustment when we moved into our apartment off campus and sharing a room wasn’t a thing anymore. That took some getting used to walking down the hall to your room instead of just talking out loud.
Thanks for going on adventures with me.
So many. I’m just going to leave this one open ended. If you have a roommate like mine -- this could mean anything.
Thanks for liking all of my Instagram pictures.
This one seems comical and it sort of is, but you know you have reached a higher level of friendship when it has been like three minutes and you still have zero likes on a photo and telling them to like it is just a normality. This also goes hand-in-hand with them knowing your “good side” and which outfits flatter you the most. Thanks for not letting me outside looking like a potato -- unless it’s going to breakfast at Kermit’s at 10 a.m. on a Sunday. Sorry, general public.
I’ve given just a few reason as to why a roommate is much more that a roommate -- she’s your person. Cue "Grey's Anatomy," but seriously -- your roommate knows almost everything about you. If you’re in the same boat as me and have been roommates going on four years, then she knows you better than you know yourself. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you after graduation. I really don’t. Who is going to proofread my papers? Who is going to snug with me while watching a horrible movie I thought was funny when I was 13? Who is going to match on St. Patrick’s Day with me? Who is going to watch "The Office" with me for the seventh time? Who is going to know exactly what I am talking about when I say our inside jokes? I mean seriously, you are my person.
Graduation can take its slow sweet time because we have so much more to accomplish before becoming “real adults.” Thank you for making my collegiate experience so far amazing. I wouldn’t want to “college” with anyone else. Senior year isn’t ready for us. Roll along.