College. That word alone used to terrify me. To me, it meant growing up. It meant that the days of having the people who were all too familiar to you, would be gone. That it was time to be on your own, an adult.
All I kept hearing from my family was "College is the best time of your life, not because of the parties but because of the people who surround you." Oh how true that statement is.
So, I just want to say thank you to all the people who have made college the best years of my life.
You all came into my life when I was figuring out my footing. I was a child when I came here. Learning the in's and out's of doing laundry on your own, cooking for one, and paying the bills. You met me when I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, let alone what I was going to wear that day for class. You all helped me grow up.
You all started off as strangers, people who I never imagined I would be around in high school. You became the friends I came to rely on. You became the people who I shared some questionable nights with and try to remember the blurry thoughts the next morning. You are the people who I call and say "hey lets go wild".
You are also the people who get me. The people who know when I am stressed and need to blow some steam off. You are the people who come over just to laugh about the stupid things we did the night before and say "wow we will never do that again" (but of course, we do it about 10 more times). You are the people I have random dance parties with. You are the best people to watch Netflix with.
You all happen to be the people who comfort me. The people who see when I am sad and down, try to pick me up. You are the one's I will call at 4 A.M. if I have a problem. You are the people who will be at my wedding and telling the stories from our college years always starting with "remember that time..". You will be the people who cheer on my children on the soccer field. You will be the people I sit in wheel chairs with still laughing about the good times on water street.
To me, family is everything. It is the people you are stuck with no matter how frustrated you are with them. The people who you love unconditionally, the people who make you the happiest. You all have become my family, and in some way, touched my life and continually make living worth the while.
So I just want you all to know, thank you. Thank you for accepting me for me. Thank you for welcoming me into your lives. Thank you for letting loose and going wild with me. Thank you for your support and love. Thank you for being you.
So here's to the best four years of my life with people who I know will be by my side for years to come. I love you all.