Work is work no matter the job or position you hold. It's work whether it's part-time or full-time. A job is a job and that's all that matters to some people. Along with simply having said job, one finds themselves interacting with their fellow co-workers.The urban dictionary's top definition for co-worker reads: "Another person you are forced to be around for 40+ hours a week in order to earn a paycheck. Outside of work, you would NEVER want to associate with this person except to point to them and tell the police, 'Yeah theres the idiot that stole your squad car right there Officer.'" While this may be true in some peoples cases, I've been lucky enough to have a rather different experience in my place of work. Although this may only be a part-time gig to earn some extra money while in school, I have come to discover that sometimes a simple job and co-workers can affect your life without even trying. Here is my letter to the co-workers that may or may not come across this article, but in hopes that some do, thank you.
Dear My Fellow Co-workers,
First off: hello! How have you been since we last spoke?
I'm writing this letter to let you all know that during sometime or another, you have made an impact on me. Now, I know that I haven't been here too long, but in this short time, you made coming to work the highlight of my day. This may sound crazy to some, but I can happily say that no matter how bad of a day I've had or how tired I am, coming into work makes all those feelings go away.
This is hard for some people to say because not everyone enjoys coming into work wether it be part-time or full-time. When I first took this job, I figured it was a good way to earn some extra money, but it was also going to end up being another thing on my list of stuff to get done for the week. Adjusting to any job can be tough or stressful, but luckily I never had that issue. Everyone here has been very welcoming since my very first day and continues to be now. Since I began training, I realized that everyone is here to help each other out.
What I have learned in the past few months is that the people you work with each posses a unique quality that makes them special in their own way. As a whole, I have grown and learned quite a lot in the short time spent here and that's all thanks to you.
I want to thank you for making me laugh when I had a stressful day, thank you for giving me advice when I needed it, thank you for listening when I needed someone to talk to, thank you for sitting with me on your break, thanks for giving me a ride home, thanks for covering my shift, thanks for helping me when I was completely lost, thank you for teaching me how to do something for the hundredth time because I couldn't remember how to do it, thank you for making my day a little brighter even when I didn't know I needed it, thank you for all the crazy stories we shared and the memories made so far, thank you.
Having a group of co-workers is one thing, but finding a friend in someone is completely different. Thank you to those who I can call my friends because you make coming into work the best part of my day.
I don't know how many of you will come across this letter, but with hopes that most of you do, I hope you understand how grateful I am to spend my long hours after school and on weekends with you guys. I also hope that you enjoyed this letter because I meant every word.
Thank you,
Juliana Rodrigues