When I was little, like most children, I had an imaginary friend that went everywhere with me. Her name was Lulia, and I remember her pretty well considering how long she's been out of my life. This is a letter to her.
Dear Lulia,
It's been a while since you left for the moon, hasn't it? How is space? I hope you're happy. Maybe you came back and found another kid to play with. If you did I hope you're happy with them. I've made a new best friend myself, I think you'd approve of her.
Remember when we stacked VHS tapes up to make a city for us to play in? I found some of those tapes in my closet the other day and thought of you.
It's strange, but I can't remember what you look like. I can remember almost everything else, everything we did together, but nothing about how you looked. I keep trying to remember. I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings. It doesn't make my appreciation of what you did for me any less valid.
I'm in college now. Almost done with my first semester. I'm not doing the best, but I'll pull myself out of it. I'd just like to thank you for everything you did for me before you left. you helped me grow up. You kept me from being lonely. So thank you.