To many, Father's Day is a day to celebrate the men in your life that served as a major influence to you. For others, it can be a difficult time filled with hurt or confusion. This day can not be stuffed into neat little shapes and people cannot tell others that one size fits all.
For me, it's been a hard time of it with the holidays. It's gotten better--as things with time eventually do--but I know it'll never be truly ok. One day changed everything and now the substituting or other activities will have to do. For this year, I'm thinking of a movie marathon and writing this article/letter to the man that helped shape me in important ways.
Thank you, Buba. For making me realize that it's ok to be the girl that would rather have a crossover of action and princess. Thank you for showing me that it's ok to feel and express things in a safe way. Thank you...for being my biggest rock and adventurer pal.
Thank you for being a better principal than a (school) teacher. Arguing points with you could go in ways that I hadn't thought of before that point. Thank you for being the other passionate half in showing me marriage and what a couple who loves each other can look like.
Thank you for teaching me to defend myself and along with ma, encouraging me to do anything (within reason) that I wanted to do. You helped teach me the hard lessons and comforted me when they knocked me down hard.
You pushed me to be the best that I could be. I know people would always say I look like ma, but more and more I'm starting to find you in my actions and the way I talk. We'll all laugh when I come out with a smart-ass comment and will say "that's your Daddy coming out."
It still hurts sometimes, but after almost six years I've learned to not cry all the time. I can now think of you without to much of the hurt and anger. Now I can stand tall and think of you with a hint of pride and more love knowing I'm your daughter. Everything I do shows a little of both you and mom and I'm ok with that. It makes me the half-and-half mixture version of you...but with a flair or kick that's all me.
Thank you Buba/Daddy/Dad for being the best one you knew how to be for me. Love you forever.