It has been a wild ride with you dude. I have known you since 1st grade but we didn’t get close until 4th. I don’t say it enough but thank you. Thank you for putting up with me for this long. I don’t even think of you as a friend anymore because to me, you are part of my family. There is nothing that we haven’t been through together at one point or another. Growing up with you has been one of the things I am grateful for the most. I have no idea what I would have done without you when it came time to battle someone in the Wilderness north of Edgeville (sorry for not teleporting…). Thank you for always being there for me when it mattered most, or for making up for it if you weren’t. Thank you for all the laughs, in and out of the classroom. Thank you for the countless bags of rainbow cookies. Thank you for all the sleepovers. There is no one I would rather have basement wrestled than you. I mean, I always had a few pounds on you (okay maybe more than a few) so it was only time before you stumbled back onto the couch trying to pick me up. Come to think of it, we did a lot of weird things growing up. Who spends their time shooting a Santa Clause cutout with pen caps or launches fly wheels into laundry baskets? We do. Who builds elaborate forts just to play Age of War? We do. Who makes crazy milkshakes and puts chocolate syrup on popcorn? We do. I laugh at all the things we did growing up. Thank you for the memories, but I know there are many more to come. I know it has been a little rough staying in touch lately since we are growing up and traveling on different paths. I know someday we will be having barbeques with our families and reminiscing about our childhood together. Thank you for being my brother from another mother.
RelationshipsApr 04, 2016
A Letter To My Brother From Another Mother
I don't call you a friend anymore because in my eyes you're family.