To My Past Self:
I know how hard it is right now. You're in eighth grade, and it feels like you have no one. Just stop and breathe for a second. Stop asking yourself if the world could go on without you, and stop thinking your life is meaningless. As corny and stupid as it sounds, I can promise you it will and does get better. The awful people who are so cruel to you, the problems that seem to drown you, the insecurities that make you hate yourself and feel worthless, they will all seem meaningless in just a few short years. Trust me when I say it's all going to be okay, I know from living through it all, even the moments I thought I couldn't go on any more. Trust me, in just a short time you are going to be happier than ever, and love your life in the people in it.
Those people who are so cruel, and the awful things they say to you that make you feel worthless, are going to be virtually meaningless to you in a year or so. In fact, you are going to be glad they were once a part of your life, as you'll find their words only made you a stronger person. It is through them that you will realize just how strong you are on your own. You won't always feel so alone. I promise, in a year you'll have three amazing girls who have your back no matter what. In fact, one of these ladies will stick up and go after your bullies. The thing you prayed for so often will come to you, true friends. You'll never feel alone again, and with these girls your high school years will be filled with laughter, adventures, joy, and fantastic memories. Just wait, the friends you always dreamed of having aren't far from being a part of your life.
Those insecurities won't last for long. Those friends I mentioned before will help you to see just how amazing you are inside and out. You'll learn to love your body, and for the first time ever you'll feel gorgeous sophomore year at prom, with two of your best girlfriends by your side. No longer will you feel meaningless, because your friends will see your pain, and spend late nights talking through it with you. Your scars will fade, and come senior year you will hardly be able to see them. Suddenly, you will feel completely confident in who you are, and who God created you to be.
Your problems will go away, beautiful. You'll feel loved, and wanted, something you had never felt from anyone outside of your family before now. Your life will become better than you ever imagined it could be. Not only will you have amazing friends, but you'll be surrounded by an amazing class, school, and support system. It'll get better, and suddenly you'll forget about the loneliness you once felt. Pretty soon here, any problem you have will seem like nothing, since you have so many amazing people in your life to help you through anything. Trust me, it ends up pretty amazing for us in just a couple of years.
Hang In There,
Your Senior Self