Dear Broken Heart,
I’m sorry. I know I am not the person you want to hear “sorry” from, but you will never get that “sorry” from him. Broken Heart, I know right now you are feeling lost and confused, and to top it off you are in a lot of pain. Everyone is sharing their life-advice on how to get over him, but the advice is only further confusing you. So I’m giving a few guiding points to help you.
Stop Trying to Understand
Suddenly, everything just went to pot and he doesn’t want to be with you anymore. Even though he kissed you, he held you close, even told you that he would never stop loving you – and to never doubt that – he does not want to be with you. You replay everything over and over in your mind only becoming more confused why he wanted it to end. Stop trying to make sense out it. For some unknown reason, he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you anymore. That’s okay. That’s his choice, you gave him that choice because you love him. Come to terms with that instead of trying to figure out his reasoning. You’ll never get inside his head.
Take Time to Feel Sad
Do not feel guilty about taking time to feel sad. You’re grieving a loss and a promised future that will never come true. Give yourself some time to feel sad. Allow yourself to eat that chocolate or drink that glass of wine. Hangout and cry with your friends and family. But Broken Heart, be sure to set a special date for you to move on.
Focus your Mind on Something New
The gym. Friends. Your spirituality. Do something healthy that takes your mind off of him. He is not thinking of you, so you do not need to hurt thinking about him.
Don'tReach out to Him
I know you want to text or snap him to see if he still cares. Don’t. If he responds, it is because he is being courteous. Remember, he ended it for a reason. Stop trying to reconnect with someone who doesn’t want to be with you. If you ended in friendship, still do not contact him for a while. You tore yourself apart creating an open wound. You need time for that wound to scab and heal. Give yourself space.
You will heal, Broken Heart. You’ll be angry at him, let yourself be angry. You’ll miss him, let yourself miss him. You’ll be happy to be free from him, let yourself be happy. You will be mad at yourself for falling in love, forgive yourself. No matter how hard it is, keep going on Broken Heart. You have many other things in this world to love and even more people who love you.
Remember, Broken Heart, you are not alone. I’m hurting too. This is hard ― probably one of the hardest things we’ve been through. But we will make it out, and we will be stronger at the end.
That is my promise to you, Broken Heart.