Dear "in-laws,"
I wanted to preface this with a quick thank you. You have taken me in as your own. You always make me feel welcome in your home, and accept me for who I am. I will never be able to thank you enough for everything you do for me. Especially, for making sure I can always eat dinner with you all.
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I hope I can live up to all of your expectations, because your son lives up to all of mine. I see where he gets being a gentleman from. You are amazing role models, and again—I see where he gets it from. You'll be proud to know he is being the best man and treating me perfectly. He acts the exact way you would want him to.
I'm so happy to be part of the family, in a way. I know you all say you're crazy, but it is enough crazy for me. From commenting television shows, to sitting on the floor befriending your dogs, I'm pretty crazy too. Not only does your son deal with it, you all do too. I look forward to our group discussions, and how random they get. It is an amazing feeling to be part of someone else's home like that.
You tell me that your son is not allowed to breakup with me, but I don't want to breakup with him. He makes me happy, and he makes me a better me. He taught me how to love others, flaws and all. Neither of us are perfect, but that is what makes us perfect. You all have played a part in that, no matter how big or small. You all have shaped him, and I wouldn't want him any other way. He truly is the man of my dreams.
I'm thankful for my actual family, but I'm also thankful for you. Over the last year or so, I feel like I've truly bonded with everyone. We Nerf fight and argue, but at the end of the day you feel like part of my real family. It doesn't hurt to get along with my family though. It's nice to be able to have that feeling of one. It is funny how one person can bring us all together.
When I put my feelings toward your son into words a couple months ago, I never realized the feelings would only grow. Not only have I grown to love your son, but also all of you. Not only do I get a great guy, I get a great second family. A two for one! I feel like I've grown attached, and I can't seem to remember a time without you all. I feel happy to be in your home because of everyone who lives under that roof (including pets)! I'm always smiling when you all have me over.
All in all, I will never be able to put all my feelings into words. I try my best, but sometimes it doesn't always come across the way I want it to. So I wrote this to you, to express how much you all mean to me. I know my thoughts can seem random, but I genuinely mean it all and more. So if I haven't told you all lately, thank you, and I love you guys!