For everyone in Greek Life you can understand how much it sucks to see your Big graduate. You're so proud and so sad at the same time. So here is a letter to my Big as she begins her last semester.
Dear Big,
I always shush you when you begin to talk about graduating. It's my least favorite thing to think about. In a perfect little world you aren't graduating yet, and I have plenty of years left with you being active and fully around. But you have to graduate because you've put your time in to your education, and have your big girl life almost all figured out. So I have a few things to say to you as you finish off your last semester.
I love you, Big. You're my mom, my best friend, and most importantly you are my inspiration. You have inspired me from the very beginning of my time within our organization. You make me want to improve myself constantly while always supporting me. I know I'm not always easy to handle but I have never doubted your love for me for a second. You pick me up when I'm a hot mess and remind me to stay focused on the important things. So thank you, Big.
I'm also so very proud of you. You are one of the brightest, most logical, and put together people I know. You are a prime example of what an "adult" should be and what every college student nearing the end wants to be. When I think about slacking off, I think of how much I much I strive to be where you are. Although our majors are completely opposite, I want to be just like you.
You are the Yin to my Yang. The lime to my tequila. The calm before my storm. We are very different people but that is what makes me love you so much more. You complete the parts of me that are missing and I am just not ready to let you go.
I'm really going to miss your interjections at our meetings and just your overall goofy presence. I'm going to miss you grabbing my face and telling me how perfect I am even though we both know I'm not. This semester is already moving by too fast and there is nothing I can do about that. So expect texts more often because I need to bother you and be annoying. Expect invites to hang and complaints when you can't even though I know you are really busy. (I understand, I really do, but I want to bug you anyways). I get queasy every time I think about you graduating and eventually leaving me to further your career and do other cool adult life things, but I know you have to do it. Congratulations on being almost done, Big. You're a superstar and I love you so much.
Love Forever,
Your Perfect Little