To my best friend's future husband,
I am so thankful for you.
You must be truly spectacular, and she has to really, really love you. You have proven to her that you are not "just like all the rest," and that you love her even more than you love yourself. You must think she literally hung the moon.
Well, you're right. Technically she didn't hang the moon, but all the other awesome things within her ability, she has done. She is one of a kind, and I know she tells you all the time how lucky she is to have you, but you are the one who is pretty dang lucky to be the one who got her. 'Cause I can promise you there were many suitors after my girl who didn't make the cut. I know you have to be so proud of her, and for her to be your wife. I hope you will always let her know how proud of her that you are. I hope you will never let a day go by that you don't tell her how beautiful she is even when, — no, especially when — she hasn't put on a stitch of makeup all day or when she has to go up a pant size or two.
I hope you will always wipe her tears and hold her tight when things in life don't go her way or when hard times strike. I hope you will know her well enough to tell when she is lying when she says she's “just tired" or “fine," and she's not. I hope you will tell her it's OK to not be so strong all the time, and that she will feel comfortable enough with you to fall apart when she can't take it all anymore.
I hope you will never let her feel like she isn't enough or that she isn't everything you dreamed for, because I can guarantee you she's more than you ever dreamed of having. I hope you will always see that. I hope you will show her off every chance you get. I hope you never stop pushing her to be the best she can be, and I hope you will never let her put her dreams on the back burner.
I hope you will pray for her well-being, every single night and I hope you never fail to thank God for the woman He has given you every single night, too.
If she loves you, then I know I will too. I hope you will be everything she has ever prayed for... and more.