Hi. I miss you. I don't think those three words actually capture how weird it is to not have you here with me. It's only been a month since we said goodbye in your driveway, and yet it feels like I haven't seen you in ages.
We've been friends since freshmen year of high school and we've watched each other grow up and go through a lot, both good and bad. You've had my back through thick and thin, and I know I wouldn't be the person I am today without you in my life. People came to know us as a pair. We were partners in crime, and if we weren't together it was rare. I'll never forget when teachers would ask me where my "sidekick" was on days that you weren't in school. It's weird to think that 4 years ago I had no clue who you were and now you're someone I can't imagine my life without.
But now, here we are, a month into our first year away from each other. We're both loving our separate schools and new lives, but we've still got each other's back no matter what. I love our daily phone calls and FaceTimes, and I love meeting all of your new friends. All of my friends here have heard so many stories that start with "One time my best friend and I..." and they all know exactly who I'm referring to. I was the one you called when you couldn't decide who to put first on Preference Day and when you found out what Bid you got. You were my first phone call when I ended up dropping my bid and you were there to calm me down and remind me that I am not defined by what sorority I did or didn't get into. We've laughed and cried together about boys, parties, family, etc. and it's almost like you're right here with me.
I'll be the first to admit that I was scared out of my mind when I realized we'd be going to school 800 miles away from each other (794.7 miles to be exact). I was scared that no one here would want to put up with my shenanigans the way you do or that no one would understand my love for FlatTop enough to go there with me at least once a week, and that I'd never get to talk to my best friend. Boy was I wrong. You are my first call on Saturday mornings so that we can swap stories about the night before, and I'm pretty sure I talk to you more than I talk to my mom.
I am so happy for you and wish only the best for you in everything you do. You are the sister I've never had and I am so thankful that the universe gave me you. I can't wait to see you and hear all about the crazy shenanigans you've caused in South Carolina but for now, I'll settle for being woken up at 7:30am by a phone call telling me that your professor kicked you out for being sick and FaceTimes while you procrastinate on your homework. Thank you for continuing to put up with me from 800 miles away. I love and miss you more than words can say.
Your Best Friend and Partner in Crime