Well, I think this goes without saying, I’m going to miss you.
We’ve done “distance” before, but that was only 45 minutes when traffic was bad or 5 minutes from your dorm to mine. This is 2,011 miles and 30 hours (according to Google Maps). This is different. But I guess that’s part of growing up, you have to move out and move on.
I want you to know that I’m so proud of you and your choice, though, even if it is one that leads you farther from me. Because this is one of the first things I’ve seen you do for yourself. You chose to put your education and your happiness first. Because where you were wasn’t fulfilling, and that’s ok, that’s why transferring is an option. Because college is the most selfish time of your life, you're young and there’s nothing keeping you anywhere you don’t want to be, and that’s exactly what you’ve done, you’ve decided to be selfish about your education and your happiness, which, in my bias opinion, are the two most important things in life. And I could never feel anything but joy seeing you go and seek out success.
You’re also one of the bravest people I know. To leave a familiar place with familiar faces for something completely brand new. To go live with strangers in a strange place, I don’t think I could do it, personally. The thing about you is you’ve always been fearless, I shouldn’t have been shocked when you told me you were wanting to leave. But I was. Because we were supposed to go and be Cougs together and grow together and be best friends forever, which we still are because good luck getting rid of me at this point, it’s been six years, I wouldn’t go even if you paid me. But we were supposed to be done with distance. And that’s what I’ll miss the most, the texts like “I had a crappy day, let’s go get dinner” and then someone who could just listen and knew everything about me because that doesn’t just happen with someone you’ve just met.
I’ll always be your biggest cheerleader because that’s my job, it’s what I signed up for by being your friend. I’ll always have your back, even from 2,000 miles away. I still want to hear about every big accomplishment in your life, those miles don’t mean that much to me, I’ll still be with you every step of the way. But because you’re going out and chasing your definition of success, I’m still going to chase mine. Please understand that I might not pick up the phone every time, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care, it just means I’m out trying to live my life and be successful. Because I want success for myself just the same way I do for you. And yes, I’ll miss you but I’ve still got to make the best of my time in this college town.
We may be apart and we may even drift a little because that’s life and that’s growing up, but I’ll never stop calling you my best friend no matter what happens to us. And I hope I’ll always be your best friend too.