Dear best friend,
I miss you. I never get to have as much time with you as we want. You're essentially a member of my family, and sometimes I actually spend more time with you than them. Moving away to college has made it more difficult for us to spend time together, but it hasn't affected our friendship.
One of my favorite things about coming home is that I get to see you, and a movie night/sleepover is almost guaranteed. I love that we spend weeks on end planning out exactly what we'll do during the time we get to spend together, but then we always end up laughing at goofy YouTube videos or spontaneously singing to our favorite music. One thing I've realized is that even though we have less time together, it makes that little bit of time so much more precious. It doesn't matter what we spend our time doing, as long as we get to do it together.
Being long distance best friends is wonderful, but sometimes it really stinks. My least favorite part, is that I don't get to be there for all your special moments. I know we text and talk on the phone about big events nearly every day, but it's not the same as physically being there for you. I have to miss your concerts and competitions, when you crush your big test, and when you reference our inside jokes to other people. I wish I could give you a giant hug whenever these things happen. Obviously I miss all the time we get to have fun and joke around, but I would give anything to be there in those big moments, when you succeed and make me proud.
When I'm away at college, the best time with you is when we FaceTime. I get to see your silly facial expressions as I tell my stories and your laughing face as we share an endless supply of jokes. Every single one of our conversations ends with you signing off with, "Blow a kiss, goldfish" and me responding with, "Give a hug ladybug".
I love being your goldfish, and I love that you are my ladybug. Thank you for always being there for me, in good and bad times. Thank you for challenging me to be a better person every day, and not giving up on me even if I give up on myself. Lastly, thank you for being an amazing best friend, and not allowing the distance to ever change our friendship.
Love, your long distance best friend.