Dear eighth grade me,
As you already know, middle school sucks. Kids are mean, your body is doing weird things, and teachers are annoying. Well, I’m sorry to kill the mood, but high school also sucks. If it’s any consolation, it sucks for different reasons. On the bright side, college is pretty awesome. I don’t want to discourage you, but I also don’t want the harsh reality that is the next six years to hit you like a ton of bricks.
Anyway, in six years when you’re 19, you’re probably hoping that you’ll have slimmed out and I’m telling you now that you will not have. But, that’s okay because you’ll have two eyebrows, you’ll have learned how to use makeup, and you won’t have those terrible side bangs. I know you hate the way you look, so you have that to look forward to.
Enough of the superficial… for now. As far as your bizarre concern with wanting everyone, especially boys to like you, please stop. In six years, they still won’t like you, but you’ll have learned how to accept it and focus on what’s actually important. You’re awesome without a boy liking you. You have good friends, you laugh a lot, and you’re truly happy and that’s all that matters.
I know that you think you’re the fattest person who has ever walked this planet, however that is the farthest thing from the truth. Please stop cracking self-deprecating jokes. They make other people really uncomfortable and you’re not doing any justice to your self-esteem. Stop wearing three camisoles under all of your clothes in an effort to hide your rolls. You’re not fooling anyone. You look ridiculous and that’s just really uncomfortable. You’re lying to yourself when you say it’s not uncomfortable.
Also, I know you think your body is going through some crazy changes. I know you hate that you have boobs now. I hate to break it to you, but if you think you have boobs now, just wait… they get bigger and you can’t hide them anymore. Accept them because they are part of you. Lastly, your hips will get wider and you’ll get more cellulite. Sorry. Learn to accept it now. Don’t hide your legs in shame in 90-degree weather. If it is summer, please wear shorts. You are so young and you shouldn’t be so ashamed of your body. Don’t let fat jokes and body shaming in the media get the best of you or any of you for that matter. You have fat. You are not fat.
Don’t quit dancing. I know it stresses you out, but you’ll be so thankful for the dance education you received. Soon enough you’ll realize that your teachers were hard on you because they cared. Being the best isn’t what’s important. Continue to work hard and good things will come to you. You love dancing whether you chose to accept it or not and it will in fact keep you sane.
Be nice to people and accept their differences. Just because something is different does not mean it’s wrong. You’re incredibly close-minded and thankfully, in your future you will have blossomed into a far more open-minded and accepting person.
You’re going to do a lot of stupid things. You’re going to say a lot of things to people you wish you wouldn’t have. That’s all part of growing up. No matter how mad you think mom gets at you now, she can get 10 times madder and at the end of the day, she’ll still love you. No matter how much you wish you could be an only child because your brothers are so annoying, they’re still going to be your brothers. But don’t worry, you start liking them a little bit more when you can get away from them in college.
Seriously though. You’re not going to be supermodel skinny. You’re not going to have the hottest boyfriend. You’re not going to have the clearest skin. You’re going to go to two proms without a date. Don’t let that deter you from making your life amazing. Those things are so miniscule in the grand scheme of things. Here I am, 19 year-old you, a college sophomore, telling you that you’re going to make it. You’ll be great. You’ll be happy. I’ll spare the details for you to experience yourself. Go on and conquer your fabulous life.
Sincerely, an older, not much wiser, you