Dear Mom,
Words cannot express the gratefulness and appreciation I feel for you, neither can they define the thanks that I would love to give you for everything you have done for me. You have always been there for me, through right and wrong, and have shown me the way. You have always pushed me to be the best that I can be. You are the reason I stand where I am today. You were the greatest influence on my brothers and me, and it’s an influence that will stay with me always.
You are my guiding light, Mom. The lighthouse at the edge of the seashore, calling me home always. You have taught me everything I know and stand for and have raised me to be strong and independent. No matter what, I will always be your little girl and I will always need you.
Thank you for everything you have done for me and continue to do. I mean everything For teaching me to smile in the face of hardship and to believe in myself no matter what anyone says. Thank you for always making me feel unconditionally loved and appreciated. Thank you for laughing and smiling with me through my stupid jokes and crazy little stories. Thank you for making me feel beautiful, and for reminding me that the world isn’t ending even when I think it is. Thank you for being my best friend, because you were the best friend I could’ve ever hoped for. But mostly, thank you for being the most wonderful mother imaginable, because I owe it all to you. Everything I do is all for you. I can only hope to one day become half the woman you are; strong, beautiful, and intelligent.
I love you, Momma, with all my heart.
Love always,
Your little girl.