Dear Middle School Me,
First things first, you are loved. You are cherished by the God of the universe who made you who you are. He planned all of your days. He made you who you are to serve Him in beautiful and wonderful ways, trust His plan. Surrender to Him the worries about your future, it will all work out. Keep going to youth group and keep learning about Jesus with your friends.
Second, stop spending so much time thinking about your AIM profile or what your away message is. I know it's hard to believe but there will be much bigger and better things in life than AIM, anyway. (Like ya know, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, BUT these social media breakthroughs take time)
No one really cares that, "LiFe'S nOt AbOuT tHe BrEaThS wE tAkE, bUt ThE mOmEnTs ThAt TaKe OuR bReAtH aWaY ~~~~" or whatever middle school girl deep thing you had to say.
Another thing, start spending less time on youtube. There are so many other things you can be doing with your life than watching the "Shoes," or the "Muffins," videos. I promise. Go outside or something.
Not only that but please please pretty please stop picknicking your pictures. You will not be "best friends forever<3" and you do not "Luv your haterz."
And, middle school me, stop posting those "to be honest," facebook statuses. All you ever post about is how "you don't really know the person but you think that they're nice" You can do better than this. Start a revolution and cut back on the facebook garbage. (yes, this also applies to the "tag someone who" pictures)
Also, I know you're still a little upset that Zoey 101 was cancelled. There will be better TV shows (Like How I Met Your Mother) just be patient and stop hating on Jaime Lynn Spears. All good things have to come to an end.
Middle school me, stop being mad at your parents for not getting you a cell phone. They are not out to get you. There will be a time in your life where you wish you didn't have to answer your phone and continuously be connected to other people. I know, surprising. Enjoy every moment of envying your friend for having the new Razor phone and not having the responsibility of answering every call or text message.
Middle school me, there will better lyrics than this:
and better movies than this:
However, keep playing guitar hero with all of your friends after school for hours. You will never regret having guitar hero skills. In 7 years from now when you are in college, you will be able to beat all of the guys with you skills at being able to play "Free Bird," on expert level. Someday you will slay.
Keep playing softball! You'll miss it in the future! Orange Crush for life.
Also, please cherish the time that you get to spend with your friends. Whether it be going to a Friday night football game or a middle school dance, value your time! Someday all of your friends will be in different states and at different points of life. This is such a special time for you to grow and enjoy life together!
Lastly, middle school me, the world is so much bigger than your hometown. I know it's too much to think about now but you are destined for great adventures. Keep your head up. Don't spend so much time worrying what other people will think of you if you don't conform to their ideas. You have been made to be you, keep learning and growing!
Much love,
An Older You