People in middle school and people in college have a lot in common. The only main difference between the two ages is in middle school, I remember trying to act like I had it all together, when in college, everybody knows no one has their shit together. I use to act like I was the smartest kid in the world because I had a reputation of being a smart kid in elementary school. I figured, if I was smart, people would like me, right? Nope, wrong, very wrong. I learn in High School that no one cares how smart you are unless you are going to do their homework for them. This is one of the important lessons I learned as I grew older that I wish I could share with my middle school self, so I decided to write a whole letter.
Dear Middle School Me,
It's okay not to wear makeup. You're only in middle school! You have plenty of time to look mature and age your skin by putting on makeup. When truly, it doesn't matter in middle school. Whatever people think of you could change the second you step into the big, scary high school building, so live up the natural face while you can.
Teachers are not that scary, so don't be afraid to speak up in class! They really just want the best for you. I know they may seen intimidating because their so tall and professional like and stuff, but you will be fine! Trust me!
No one actually has control of their life in middle school. Middle school kids are know-it-all brats (yes, including you!). I know I felt the need to pretend like I knew what was going on, even if I didn't too, solely to keep up my image. By the time you enter college, you will understand no one ever knows whats going on in their life, we just do life like we would do laundry. If someone says they do before the age of 25, they're lying.
For the love of God! Please stop straightening your hair everyday! First off, it's not always straight, and you don't look as cool as you think. While I'm on the topic of hair looking cool, please stop flipping your hair and trying to pretend you have side bangs, because you don't! Second off, it's killing your hair! Once or twice a month is okay, but your hair will despise you if keep straightening it daily. Embrace the curls! I promise one day you will grow up to love...well maybe just like your natural hair.
Finally, and most importantly, it doesn't matter what people think of you. You are very shy because you worry about people judging you and you are wasting your time worrying about it! Be free, be weird, be unique, and just be yourself! No one else should have an affect on your personality and be confident in who you are (because you're actually pretty great)!
College Girl Cat