Dear Me,
There’s so much I wish I would have known back in middle school. It was a rough time of hormones and figuring out how a training bra works. If I had a time machine, I’d throw this letter in and send it back to you on your first day of sixth grade and remind you to check that your shoes were tied before you took your first step on the bus and tripped in front of all the eighth-grade boys.
I’d warn you that your Lisa Frank folders may get you laughed at by the seventh-grade girls who grew up too fast, but they’ll help you make friends with the girl in your English class who has rainbows on her folders. I’d tell you to wear the ponytail and rock it for as long as you want, but pass on the neon scrunchies. Stop begging mom and dad to let you wear makeup.
You have so much time to learn how to use eyeliner without poking your eye out and you’ll save years of looking like a raccoon before you do. When mom finally lets you get a Facebook, go easy on the selfies and angsty statuses. This is the stuff your friends, future boyfriends, and employers will tease you about.
Be the teacher’s pet. Really it’s ok. When you get to high school, you’ll be the kid that can run through the halls without a hall pass because everyone knows you. It will also give you the important skill of being able to converse with adults which will come in handy later in life. Remember that smart people can ask stupid questions. It's okay to ask for help. Don't stop raising your hand in class because that mean boy called you a know-it-all. Don't let his insecurity stunt your learning, plus participation gets you big points in college.
Don’t let gym class locker rooms give you anxiety. No one is comfortable getting naked in front of strangers. On that note, don’t forget to wear a bra. You are a young budding woman and yes, you do need one no matter how uncomfortable they are.
Remember that your parents do love you, even if they suck at showing it. They do care about your grades and your friends. Sometimes they really are just too busy to listen. Don’t take it so hard and don’t stop trying to talk to them.
Don’t be ashamed to remind mom to buy you new pants when yours turn into high waters. Growth spurts are a real thing and pants that don’t fit are uncomfortable and embarrassing. Stop stressing about being the only kid in your class with a bedtime. You’ll thank your parents someday for helping you develop something that resembles a healthy sleep cycle.
You’re not weird for still thinking boys are icky. Boys are icky in middle school. One day you’ll meet some guys that are less icky and you’ll feel different, trust me. When you do finally have your first real crush in eighth grade, don’t follow him around like a puppy.
He just likes the attention, not you. He isn’t worth the attention, or you. Don’t feel too bad when you realize what a jerk he is. You will meet your lifelong best friend from this experience and that will make it totally worth it.
Don’t let the bullies push you around. Hold them accountable. Ask them what their problem is. Most of the time they don’t even know. Most importantly, don't worry so much about fitting in or being awkward. This is a time when everyone is still floundering to figure out who they are and who you think you are right now is going to change about a hundred times before you graduate. This age sucks, but it truly will prepare you for what is to come.
Stay Strong. You can do it.
- Me