Dear Libby's family and friends,
While I don't know what it is like to lose a child, sibling or grandchild, I do know what it is like to lose a friend.
While I never knew Libby, I feel as though I know her. Through her Facebook group (Lungs For Libby), myself and 50,000 people across the world learned about her battle with cystic fibrosis. I learned that she was the sweetest person and that she could brighten up your day almost instantly. I heard of her faith in God and how fearless she was. I read of people getting saved because of Libby's strong faith.
SEE ALSO:Meeting The Man With My Brother's Lungs
I closely watched Libby's story and invested my time and prayers into her. I enjoyed watching her story grow and the excitement for life that she had following her double lung transplant almost a year ago. I was heartbroken when her health started to quickly go downhill.
I have never prayed as much as I did for her in my life. It's sad to say that it took you losing someone so special for me to learn how to pray. I bawled like a baby when I got the news of her passing. The only thing I could say at the time was "breathe easy, Baby Girl."
I was not fortunate enough to meet such a sweet soul like Libby. I like to believe I will meet her someday. Just know I'm will always be praying for you all. I pray that you feel God's loving arms wrap around you in this grieving time.
My Deepest Condolences.
P.S. God is good all the time and all the time God is good.