Dear Liar,
At first I thought you were going to be a great person. Well, turns out you aren't. I still remember the day we met and that's a day I can never forget even after what you have done to me. You were so kind, not to mention funny.
Every time we talked, it was a great time even if it was just one simple word. When I was having rough days you would say something just to cheer me up, and I couldn't have asked for more. You were never embarrassed of the way I was, unlike others. You wouldn't care what others said about me, you would still talk to me.
Is it possible that you are going to remain in my life forever? I think so.
The days I wouldn't see you really didn't matter because I could still see you through social media. You would always like my pictures, you would always comment something random, and all of those actions just brought smiles to my face. I would do the same thing and we just had this connection that I thought was different from others.
A year goes by and our friendship still remained as strong as ever. There were moments when we could just talk all day without being interrupted and those were the days I lived for. School came by again and I was happy to see you, but something felt different. We would still talk, but something was going on. I didn't know what was happening, but I just ignored it because you were still in my life. Months and months went by and you felt more distant.
Was it something I did?
Was it something I said?
I just don't understand what's going on and I needed answers.
I messaged you to see if you wanted to talk, but you decided to take the longest time to reply. Why? The conversations seemed to be strange, they were no longer the same. I knew that I was losing you and I didn't know what to do. There was absolutely no way to get you to talk to me, you just looked away when you saw me coming. I smiled at you, but you didn't respond the smile back. Then there was that one day when I just broke down.
I then realized that you were hurting me.
You promised me that you'd always be there for me, but it was a complete lie. You told me you wouldn't let me down, but you did. You said that you would never be embarrassed of me, but you are. You said things that I thought you would always keep, but you didn't. I then gave up. I knew you didn't want anything to do with me anymore. I still don't know what I did for this to happen, but I'm glad that you showed me your true colors. Thanks for being in my life for the shortest amount of time.
I hope you won't hurt or lie to someone else like you did to me.