To my boyfriend,
Today is our six months, so I figured this would be a good time to finally write an article about you, which is something I've been meaning to do for ages. We met in a marriott hotel room in Orlando, Florida and both knew that we had found someone special from the start. We've had six whole months of different experiences and trips, but also months of just laying around cuddling and watching Netflix. Both have been absolutely incredible, so I figured I would look back on them in this little letter to you.
Let's start at the beginning. After meeting you, talking to you and awkwardly trying to flirt with you, I knew this wasn't the last time we would be talking. On the way back to my rental house, I was talking to my friend about you and how cute I thought you were and how well we got along. Then I get the notification that you followed me on Instagram and just a little while after you slid into my DMs, and little did either of us know this would be the start of our relationship.
Fast-foward a week or two to our first date, which was a day full of activities. First we went for sushi and stuffed our faces while talking about anything and everything, and I just remember from the beginning it was just so easy to talk to you and it's one of the many things I love about you. After sushi we decided to go see Finding Dory together, but the showing wasn't for about an hour so we killed time goofing off in Target and Michaels. After cuddling in our movie, somehow we went back to my house and play a board game with my family, which was handled so insanely well and that still surprises me to this day.
Then a little over a month into our relationship, we took a day-trip to Savannah, just you and me. Though it started off a little rocky, once we got there, it was like a dream. We wandered around laughing about the random souvenirs in all of the stores and then continued our day at the beach playing a little bit of volleyball, trying to decide where to go for dinner. Then you told me that you found a place, but refused to tell me where, and nothing can describe how surprised I was when we walked into The Melting Pot. Our perfect day was completed when I was able to fall asleep in your arms.
Then we have the days and days that we just spent cuddling and talking in your room, watching The Office because you were amazed that I had never seen it. And of course, we would have our occasional movie day when we would watch some of our favorite movies together since you have pretty much every movie under the sun. The stories that we've shared on these days have made us so close and I could not be happier.
Of course, how can I forget about the lunches with your mom and how insanely nervous I was about those? Or the parties at your aunt and uncle's house, which is where we finally told each other, "I love you." Or on my birthday where you surprised me by going to the fair. Or all the actives that we've done over break, and there have been a lot.
Then there's one of the most exciting things which has yet to happen: Disney. From the second you found out that I had never been to Disney, you said that you wanted to be the one to take me on my first trip there, and little did we know that it would be happening so soon. Now we're planning our trip together for our one-year and I could not be more excited.
These six months with you have been amazing, and people around me can even see how much happier you have made me. From the beginning, you have made me a better person and have pushed me to do my best at everything I do. You support me through all the crazy thoughts I have and pick me up every time I'm feeling down. You've been the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Happy six months, and here's to many more. I love you.