Why My Vote For You Isn't An Approval, Hillary | The Odyssey Online
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Why My Vote For You Isn't An Approval, Hillary

An open letter to the Democratic nominee.

Why My Vote For You Isn't An Approval, Hillary

To Mrs. Clinton,

My name is Jill, and I'm a young democrat. Like most millennials, I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary, and I stand by my decision. At this point in my life, the political discussions I get involved with center around human rights issues. I first decided I was a democrat when I found out that there were people who opposed marriage equality and certain LGBT rights. My best friend has two moms who have raised three wonderful children in a happy, healthy home. They love each other very much and I looked at their relationship as a goal that I could only hope to find.

Looking at that particular issue, I knew I was going to be on the right side of history. LGBT rights were one of the reasons I was hesitant about supporting you, seeing how 2013 was the earliest you supported marriage equality. Sanders also appealed to me because every politician who has encountered him, no matter what their political ideologies, have said he was honest, and a good man. Honesty is something I don't hear about when I talk politics, so it was refreshing to hear about someone who genuinely wanted to do good by the people.

For the past year, I've heard about how dishonest, corrupt, and bad you are. I figured I was safer with Sanders. Then, when it came out that you'd officially gotten the Democratic nomination, I figured it wasn't the worst thing to happen. I mean, you couldn't be that bad. You've been in the public spotlight for years, you're bound to get wrapped up in some kind of controversy. That didn't mean they had any merit.

I've listened to other Sanders supporters turning away from the Democratic party toward Johnson, Stein, and even Trump. I thought your policy wasn't too different from Bernie's, and there's no way a third party could win at this stage, so I could still go with you. You weren't my first choice, but you weren't awful.

That is, until the DNC emails came out.

For those who haven't heard, the chair of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Shultz, is in the midst of a scandal. Apparently the DNC had emails that were leaked showing that they were blatantly trying to sabotage the Bernie Sanders campaign. Bernie supporters have been called crazy for believing the DNC was against them, but now there is hard proof. Debbie Schultz is has had her speech at the DNC taken away and she is stepping down immediately following the convention.

Does this sound horribly corrupt to you, Mrs. Clinton? That's because it is. Does that sound like someone you want working for you, or even associated with you after you've been fighting to get everyone to believe you're just an honest politician? No, you should turn your tail and run.

But that's not what you did.

You made her your honorary chair of your 50 State program. You gave a corrupt politician, someone who is now known for pushing certain candidates and sabotaging others, the job of helping elect democrats to office all over the country. That's like letting a super biased referee who got kicked out of the league pick the other referees for the rest of the season. By immediately hiring her after she was caught cheating, it's impossible for me to not think of you as someone who is rigging the game.

I tried being a good Democrat. I'm trying to think about the greater good, so let me be absolutely clear: my vote in November is not for you.

My vote is for my best friend's moms, who risk loosing their marriage licence if a Republican becomes president and selects a supreme court justice who would repeal marriage equality. My vote is for my high school friends who are undocumented, and risk being sent to a country they were in for a few short months, and for my high school friends who have undocumented parents that would be torn away from their children if a mass deportation were to take place. My vote is for my friend who finally has good, affordable health insurance under Obamacare for the first time in her life. My vote is for my friend serving overseas who I really don't want to be involved in another war. My vote is for my Muslim friend who shouldn't be discriminated against simply because of her religion.

I am disgusted by you and how corrupt your campaign could possibly be, and I feel betrayed. This is my first time voting in a presidential election and I'm left with nothing but a bitter taste in my mouth. I do not look forward to November.

Used-to-be yours,


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