I recently graduated high school only a few short months ago. Those four years I learned a lot, and many of those lessons have followed me to college. I am sure you have heard the saying, "High school is the best four years you will ever have." Whether that statement is true or not is all up to you. Those four years will become what you make of them, the sooner you realize this, the more you will have to look back on in a few short years. I wish I would have understood this sooner rather than later. I missed out on several aspects of high school as a freshman, and I want to help you avoid making the mistakes that I did. From my experience over those four years, this is my advice to you:
1. You don't have to look like Kim Kardashian everyday
I'm dead serious on this one, girls. One thing I noticed my senior year is the abundance of make-up the underclassmen girls were wearing. I know that you are trying to impress the new pool of dating options, but any guy worth your time should fall for how naturally beautiful you are. Plus, you're going to wear yourself out if you get up at five every morning to put on your fake lashes and contour your face. Relax, sleep in, and wear your sweatpants occasionally.
2. Cheer at the sporting events
If you really want to upset the upperclassmen and be seen as "typical freshman," don't cheer at the football games. This is a top pet peeve of every upperclassmen I've ever known. I know that you are being forced to cheer from the back, but your day will come to cheer from the railing. For the time being: stand up, cheer loud, and scream the fight song. One day you will be leading the student section, so you'd better have all those chants memorized. The future of the student section is resting on your shoulders.
3. Go to homecoming with your friends
I know this can be a hard concept to accept, especially for us girls. I know that watching your best friend get asked by the senior quarterback hurts you, and that watching the rest of your classmates get asked with almost marriage proposals brings down your self confidence. You start to ask yourself; "am I not pretty enough for anyone?" Go out and get that dress that you've been eyeing all summer, do your hair and make-up like you're the princess of Genovia. I want you to grab all of your friends, and take some stupid pictures that will spark up questions when they hang in your college dorm room. Once you and your friends are on the dance floor, dance until you can no more. Don't worry about looking stupid or silly, because you will, and so will everybody else. Don't stand in the back, push your way to the front, and prepare to go deaf and get an insane core workout.
4. Try something new
Avoid being that senior that only goes out for a sport because it's their last year. The reason I say that is because those people usually end up loving that sport and regret they didn't try it earlier. I joined cross country as a sophomore, despite my asthma and telling myself over the years "I could never do it." Even though I wasn't the best, it became my favorite sport and turned me into a lifelong runner. Join that sport you told yourself you would never join, I guarantee it will change you. This is also a way to branch out your friendships, you will become friends with classmates you haven't talked to since first grade. Take some risks, that is how you will find your true potential.
5. Stick to your values
I am just going to state a fact here: most friends you enter high school with you will not finish with. People change over this eventful time, and that's okay. Some of your friends may start experimenting with things you want nothing to be a part of, and you don't have to be. Stick to what you believe is right, you don't have to be doing what everyone else is. Standing your ground separates you from the rest, and people will respect you for making your own decision. I know that the situation will be complicated, and you will be alone for awhile. But soon amazing people will find you, and they will support you in whatever your decisions and values are. These people are your true friends.
6. Get involved
Want to make the best of your high school experience? Do exactly that. Go to every football game possible...both home and away. Try something you have never done before, whether that be a sport, club, or even finding a summer job. Make sure you participate in dress up days, and contribute to the homecoming decorations. When the time comes, take those leadership opportunities and set an example for the students following close behind you. You will not be the same person in four years, and who you are in the future will emerge from what you do with the present.