When we’re in high school, we are told that we have to have everything figured out before we graduate. How are we supposed to know what we want to do right then and there before the age of 18 years old? We are really young and constantly changing our minds about almost everything, yet we’re supposed to have our minds made up about our entire future.
When I was younger, there are some things I wish I could have known then that would have helped me prepare for my future. It would have been nice to know some of the things that I know now. This is a letter to my high school self; some of the things I’ve learned over the past few years that would have been nice to know back then.
Dear Daniela,
Over the course of the next few years, you are going to go on to do some really big things. You may not realize it now, but going to college will be the best decision you will make for yourself. I know you don’t really want to go to college, but trust me, these next four years will change your life. You will meet some really amazing people; some who will become some of your new best friends, and some that might not last. It’s okay, friends come and go and you will find it easier to just let them leave. If they are your true friends who are really there for you, they will stick around no matter what. You may have your ups and downs with people, but that’s normal; you will always work things out.
You will have opportunities to take some really cool classes. Ones that you are required to take, ones that might be out of your comfort zone, and classes that fit right into your major. Take advantage of every class you take. Mom and Dad are paying a lot of money for you to get a good education and they would hate to see you fall behind. If there is one thing I can’t stress enough it’s go to class. You are paying to be there, so by blowing off a class just to sleep in, you are wasting money and you’re missing out on the lesson. Trust me, all of the hard work will pay off in the end. You will also find yourself on the Dean’s List a few times… keep it up!
I know there is one thing you have always wanted to do and that is intern and eventually work for Kiss 108 and iHeart Media Boston. Don’t you worry; you will have an amazing opportunity to land yourself the internship you have always wanted. You will spend three semesters there, one in the promotions department and two working for the morning show. You will learn so much and gain so much knowledge from this experience. The time you spend there will help you get a job when you graduate college.
You’re also finally going to get the chance to fulfill one of your dreams and study abroad at Richmond, the American International University in London during the fall semester of your senior year. You will work really hard for it, there will be people that are going to doubt you and your success but you can’t let them bother you. Use that as a way to motivate you to do better, to prove people wrong. Every one in your life will be so proud of you and you will especially be extremely proud of yourself and all that you are accomplishing.
I know that life may knock you down sometimes, but you just have to get right back up. There are going to be negative people along your journey but you can’t let them get to you. I know that right now, college isn’t something you want to do but trust me, it will end up being one of the best decisions you’re ever going to make; I promise you. Stay focused, work hard, but have fun along the way and eventually things will fall into place…maybe even when you’re least expecting them to.