Dear Future Daughter,
I’ve always thought about what my life would be like years from now, who your dad will be, what I’ll be doing with my career, where I’ll be living. One thing I’ve never had to question is the amount of love and happiness I already know you will give me. I thought this would be the perfect way to teach you about all of the lessons I’ve learned so far along with what I hope you receive from this crazy thing called life.
Throughout the span of your lifetime, I will be a constant reminder to follow your heart and always do what makes you happy. One thing I have learned so far is that following your heart is the key to finding pure happiness and for you, all I wish is that you will be able to find the highest peaks of happiness in all aspects of your life. Whatever obstacles you will have to overcome, trust your instincts and always choose what makes you happy. You were brought into this world to be someone, so always remember that I will support and encourage you throughout your journey of life.
Not only will I love you more than you know, but know that your family does too. Keep family close to your heart because trust me when I say that they will help you get back up when you fall, be a listening ear when you need one, and most importantly, always someone you can turn to. For me, family was always something that I looked at as a support system through the good and the bad I knew they would always be there. Keep that in mind and remember that you, my dear, are loved by so many.
There is going to come a time in your life when out of the blue someone sweeps you off your feet, whoever that may be they are one lucky guy. While I hope that you never have to experience the pain of heartbreak, I also hope that like me, you love wholeheartedly. Never be afraid to let your guard down and always stay true to who you are. I have been through the heartbreak but I also have seen the light at the end of the tunnel and trust me when I say that God has a plan for you so keep that in mind if you ever have doubts. On another note, when you meet that person, love them with everything you have and try not to question your feelings by living in the moment and allowing your heart to guide you. Loving someone and being loved by someone is a beautiful feeling that you should always cherish- but I will let you figure out what I mean by that on your own.
Other than family, there are some people in this world that you get to choose to enjoy life with! Your friends make the world a better place. The best part of this is that there is no limit and you will continue to find special friendships throughout the span of your lifetime. You will have some who, even though you don’t talk every day, you know whenever you do it’s like you never stopped. There will be some that you meet when you are younger and are lucky enough to share all the stages of your life with, then there are some who will come into your life when you least expect it and become more like a sister than just a friend to you. Friends are your chosen family, know the good ones will always be there.
While I hope that I can provide the world and more for you, you should always work hard for yourself, but never too much where you become blindsided and forget to enjoy the beauty in everyday things. Life is fun! Go on adventures, take pictures, follow your dreams, but most importantly enjoy every second of it because it goes by fast.
My hope for you is that you will be someone who makes everybody feel like a somebody. That you find forever in a person, that you are humble and are always willing to help even when it isn’t asked of you. But most importantly, I hope you love yourself, you will never be able to appreciate or fully experience any of the things I talked about here if you don’t love who you are. I think about you and how much of a blessing I know you will be to me, watching you grow will be bittersweet because I will constantly go back and forth on keeping you small and seeing all that you are going to accomplish in this life of yours. Know that wherever you go I will always be with you and that I am incredibly honored to have the title of being your mom.
Love always,