Dear Future Wife,
Since I was seven years old I have always dreamt of you and all you would be. Yeah, I know this sounds extremely intimidating, but it should not. I probably come off having high expectations, but I think we all do when we picture our future spouse. Every single day I think about you and how excited I am to meet you, unless I already have.
As Children of God, we were created to love and to be loved, and ever since I learned about the love that Jesus had for you and me, I have dreamt of modeling that love towards you. I know that you may be stressed right now, or extremely lonely, but I promise you that everything is going to be okay. I have my fair share of stress and loneliness too, but when my mind drifts to the thought of you, I feel a sense of peace and comfort.
Every single morning, I pray for you and I pray for God to watch over you and cover you in his love. I am so ready to love you, and to grow closer to Jesus with you. I know that once we are married, I probably will be hard to deal with sometimes, but I hope that you will know it is part of who I am. I am messy, emotional, and very unorganized, but I know for a fact that you will still love me. I am sure you have had your fair share of heartbreak, and so have I, but when we are finally together, the ghosts of those relationships will pass into distant memories, I can promise you that.
If you are dating another man right now, I hope he treats you right and shows you what it is like to be treated like a daughter of God. You are royalty, and if any guy has shown you anything but love and respect, I promise to show you that times a million. If you are reading this right now, I hope this gives you hope, or brings a smile to your face. I have no clue if you will ever read this, or when you will read this, but just know that my heart is so excited for you to be in my life. I have no clue when I will finally start dating you, but I am being patient, God will have you show up right when you are supposed to. I love you so much dude, and I am praying for you.