A Letter To All The Best Friends I've Met Along The Way | The Odyssey Online
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A Letter To All The Best Friends I've Met Along The Way

You have done more for me than I could ever ask for — and for that, this is for you.

A Letter To All The Best Friends I've Met Along The Way
Sidney Ambrogio

Throughout all my articles I have stated that it was really hard for me to make friends in high school, either because I was either caught up in my dance world or just the mere fact that I did not fit in. But I have definitely broken out of that and have met amazing people that have shaped who I am and who I will become. And to them, I am forever grateful.

I will forever be grateful for my first college roommate or my “froomie."

Kate, what can I say to someone that had to learn that I legit will nap all day, every day, and there was no waking me up cause I was quite frankly dead. To someone that learned I am basically a toddler that is obsessed with GoGo Squeeze and chocolate milk, but the kind from Costco.

To the girl that fuelled my coffee addiction and literally wiped tears from my eyes. You put up with the good, the bad and the weird and for that, I will always cherish our friendship.

To my partner in crime, Victoria.

I do not want to seem dramatic, but I feel like you were a gift sent from God to open my eyes to adventure. You're such a ball of energy, that I needed to meet in order to learn how to live life. I want to thank you for teaching me how to let loose every once in a while.

And also teaching me that who cares what people think about you as long as you like yourself. I struggled in high school so much with accepting who I am, and you taught me to not care cause it's my happiness that matters the most.

To my childhood rock of a best friend, Colin.

O, my Colin. The other half of C+S. There's so much I can say but let's be honest that would take a day and a half to explain to everyone. You have been my best friend since we were eight and god I love you so much. You have been there when the middle school mean girls were set on bringing me down. You were there for me when I was crying in my dorm room and you were the only one that would pick up.

But that is not what I'm thankful for the most. I'm thankful for how each and every day you showed up to school, onstage, rehearsals, freshman Spanish class, the list can go on and on, with a smile on your face. You gave me a glimpse of happiness every time I saw you.

I cannot forget about my Pats-loving, Bachelor watching and read receipt lover, Kylie.

Although We only became really close over the past few months, it is like we have been friends for years. We get each other on such a different level and legit read each other's minds even though we live three-plus hours away from each other.

Thank you for always answering my texts even if they're at one a.m. and are so stupid. You always make sure I do not feel ignored, like you know I have felt in the past. Thank you for never judging me cause we all know, everyone is always so fast to judge.

I don't know what I would do without my 203 queen.

Erika, I didn't know I needed you until you came into my life. I'll never forget how we officially met and became friends. All I heard was "OMG you're Sidney from Greenwich right?" and from there on it was history. It's so nice to have someone from school live only 20 minutes from me that enjoys Lululemon and shopping on The Ave.

Thank you for being the one to be brutally honest with me when no one else would. Thank you for telling me things I would rather not hear, but need to, to wake me up. You always know not what I want to hear but what I need and I will always keep you around! 203 forever.

I cannot thank Hannah enough for being the sunflower in the field of roses.

Hannah, whether it be letting me sleep on the Costco size bear when we get back late, or giving me that pep talk no one else will give me, you have always been the bright light in my life. You always know how to put a smile on my face, even in my darkest days.

Thank you for teaching me to keep your head up no matter what is going on, no matter how many people hate you, no matter how defeated you are, cause one day the light will come back. Thank you for always hyping up my Instagram posts so I can show my mom they actually are cool.

To my fellow hockey fanatic, Maddy.

I love you so much, words cannot describe. You are such a breath of fresh air whenever you step into any room. Thank you for teaching me to be spontaneous. You're always up to do something crazy, even if we have no idea if it will end well. Thank you for teaching me to love myself.

No matter what, you have always shown me that bettering myself is what matters the most. You'll always be my Big Blue, Saquan, Sunday football go to and my newly acquired bachelor fan!

To the only girl I know to drive an extra two hours to just get a quesadilla with me.

Abby, I don't know what I'd do without your 12 midnight and on FaceTime calls, just so you don't have to walk from the library to your car alone. Thank you for teaching me that just because one person says something hurtful to you, doesn't mean that everyone in the world believes it's true also.

Thank you for being the bubbly person I needed to meet. I wish we became friends earlier on freshman year, but I'm so glad we met when we did. Remember sis, men ain't sh*t.

To my prom queen.

Thank you for being my dance best friend, but more importantly my little sister. From our Friday night sleepovers to our Saturday mornings at the studio, Maddie you have been my best friend. Thank you for teaching me how to let loose because it is your comedic instincts, that make me laugh every time I see you.

Thank you for being my prom queen and forever being my little sister. And just so you know... you're already maid of honor at my wedding!

To my sweet Alexia.

We may not text every day or Snapchat every day, but you're still one of my closest friends. I want to thank you for all the late nights we had together. You opened me up to having fun again and if it wasn't for you, I definitely would be in a different place. The second semester I did not know if I was going to meet someone that would open my eyes to fun and adventure again and you surely did. T

hank you for being my wing women, my go-to lunch date and my olive garden bestie. Thank you for being you in a world where that's scary. I am forever grateful for you.

I do not know what I'd do without Nina in my life.

Nina has been so much more than a friend to me. She is definitely more like family and I do not mean that in a joking matter. Nina has opened her room to me when I needed a break from everything. She has listened to me rant at 12 in the morning and never has complained. She is my go to when I think of something and have to tell her. But more importantly, she understands me and doesn't judge me. She understands why I do certain things and either agree with me or gives me the right advice to lead me on the best path for me. Thank you for always being there for me. I am eternally grateful for you!

I'd honestly be lost without my crazy Madison.

Maddison is my curly haired, spitfire of a friend that I legit love so much. Thank you for being so crazy and not caring what anyone thinks of you. I know you're in London right now and I miss you so much but thank you for going for something that I don't think I could ever do. Thank you for teaching me to follow your dreams no matter how far they take you.

I miss you so much and cannot wait till we're together once again dancing in those sweaty basements. Love you forever.

And last but certainly not least, my best friend, best big sister in the world, Jenny.

Honestly, I would lose my mind if I didn't have you in my life. Thank you for making me cry at cheer practice because you taught me to speak up for myself when there's something wrong. Thank you for standing up for me when I can't. Thank you for always doing my makeup when I have an event. Yes, I can do makeup, but no one can do it as good as you.

Thank you for always having my back even though I can be stupid at times. Thank you for hanging out with me when I'm home alone and literally twirling my hair. Thank you for fueling my shopping addiction... well maybe I shouldn't thank you for that lol.

I love you so much and I cannot wait for you to walk down the aisle and then for you to be my bridesmaid in mine. Love you long time.

You all mean the world to me and I hope you never change the qualities I love so much about you!

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