Dear First Semester Nursing Students,
Congratulations. You have been accepted into nursing school. This is a very exciting and new time in your life. There are so many exciting things heading your way this coming school year. Nursing is one of the most rewarding careers. Before you start your journey into the realm of nursing school, I feel that there are some things that you need to be told.
Nursing school is hard. I'm sure by now everyone has told you this; school guidance counselors, teachers, and I'm sure nurses themselves have told you this as well. But it's 100 percent true. Nursing school will be hell. It's unlike any schooling I have ever experienced. Nursing school has pushed me to the brink of insanity. The tests in nursing school are not like other tests. I would start now by renting/buying NCLEX books and trying to maneuver your way through the critical thinking process because the test questions will take some getting used to.
The friends that you make in nursing school will be unlike any other. It seems like you see these people more than you see your family members. These are the friends that will help you turn patients and help hold a butt cheek while you wipe a patient. These friends that you make in nursing school already know what you are going through and are wonderful when you need a listening ear for venting about school because they are going through the same exact thing.
Take advantage of every opportunity during clinical. I know sometimes clinical can be scary and overwhelming but if a procedure comes up and you are offered to do it-- do it. Your instructor will always be there if you run into issues. Always offer a helping hand to the nurses on your clinical floor. These experiences will be the real classroom when in comes to learning. Nursing school only teaches you the basics. Nurses who have been in the field will teach you things you could never get out of a textbook.
Before you actually start nursing school, I advise you to figure out a coping mechanism, because by the third week you are going to need it. Nursing school doesn't have a syllabus week. From day one most nursing programs get down to business and start going over material. I would be lying if I said that nursing school hasn't made me completely break down about once or twice a week.
I know after reading this you are probably scared out of your mind. But as long as you study hard and ask for help from professors and tutors when you need help, you will do fine. When nursing school seems to be too much, take a moment and remember why you chose nursing in the first place. The lives that you will touch in nursing school will be so worth all the stress and studying. Nursing school will change your life, I know it has mine. Just remember to take it day by day, remember your ABCs when choosing an answer and never push potassium.
From a Final Semester Nursing Student