I did not have many supportive friendships in high school. I managed successfully on my own for those four years and tricked myself into thinking I didn’t need a group of people to call my friends. But going to college changed that.
I met people, formed a group, the group fell apart and reformed around the old scars. And what I was left with at the end of my freshman year was a small community of people who I would truly call my closest friends in the world.
During a fairly normal lunch run this year one of you asked if I knew what my “place” in our group was. Although I had never thought about it in such simple terms before, I did know. I knew where I stood with all my good friends, how our personalities fit together, who to go to with different problems, when to offer advice, when to stay silent, who needed me around, who didn't. Conversation is easy with you. I know what is expected of me and what I could expect from everyone else.
As the semester went on I found that there was a great warmth in my heart where I was used to finding a pit of insecurity and loneliness. Since then I’ve been increasingly aware of the million ways in which you all, my dearest friends, are the kindest most supportive people in the entire world. I can rely on you as much as on my own family - in a sense you have become my family. The people who have chosen to be loyal to me and who I am loyal to in return.
Now that I am across the Atlantic in a house full of 13 brand new people, I miss that solidarity. I didn’t appreciate the way a strong friendship can help fortify your soul until I was outside of the system. I miss the little jokes, the knowing smiles and comforting touches that make me feel appreciated and listened to. I miss knowing exactly how you all think and react.
I miss knowing when you were sad or that you would know when I am sad. I didn't realize how much time and dedication it takes to forge such strong, deep relationships until I was surrounded by new ones. So, although I love that I am meeting new people and making new connections here in Europe, I will never forget or discredit the lifetime of effort you all have put into our friendships.
I miss watching you play video games like I would watch a movie. I miss our night-time chats about men and art. I miss singing Tangled in the car to the mall. I miss drawing sharpie tattoos on your arms from memory because you ask me to draw the same thing everytime. I miss the steak dinners and the hungover sunday morning breakfasts. I even miss the philosophical arguments about nothing (only a bit).
So this is a thank you note to the people I miss with all my heart. The ones that make my life simple to enjoy and who give me solid ground to stand on. Even with an ocean between us you manage to make my life richer by making me appreciate the power of human connection.
I love you with all my heart.