Drunk Driver,
First of all, how dare you? Do you truly believe your life is that much more important? Do you believe that you are so wonderfully skilled in the art of driving that you can put not only your own, but everyone else's lives at risk? That is disgusting and deplorable. I truly can't believe you do this. There are so many alternative ways to get home when you're intoxicated. Not only are there local cab companies, but now we have über. You have no excuse to drive drunk.
When you drink alcohol, you make the decision to become impaired. It was your choice, so why do you force your decisions on others? More innocent people than I would care to count have been killed because of behavior like this. Every time you drive drunk, I suggest you call the people you love and tell them goodbye. There's a good chance you'll never speak to them again.
Think of the person you love the most in the whole world. Now, imagine they're driving home, following every single rule of the road. They have their seatbelt on, their phone is tucked away, they're following the speed limit, and they are even using their turn signals. Then, the red light turns to green, and suddenly the person you love most in the whole world, who was doing absolutely nothing wrong, is dead. They were killed by a drunk driver who blew through a red light. Next thing you know, you're getting a phone call from the police informing you of your loss. Do you know how many of these conversations have to be had a day because of people like you? According to the CDC, nearly thirty. Every single day.
This letter is my plea to you. Stop driving drunk. Stop getting behind the wheel and putting lives at risk. Please. Just call a cab, or a friend. Make plans to have a designated driver before you go out. I promise it will be worth it. The next time you decide to drive drunk remember that vision of the person you love most. Do you want to cause that kind of pain for another family? Think about it. I hope you make the right choice.
Someone You Love