Dear Mom and Dad,
I know that I haven't written in a while. Every time I come home I always pass by my old pieces of artwork you still hang up, the pictures of me playing all the sports I once was crazy about, and the home-made gifts I've gotten you each year for Christmas. You deserve more letters, you deserve more calls, and you deserve more time.
I'm already confident in saying that I do give you enough time, but I don't think there is ever going to be a certain amount that could equal how whole you've helped to make my heart. Thank you for always looking for my writing- my words- whether it be around the house when I'm away, or when I'm sitting across from you speaking them.
I love hearing how you are, and seeing that things are going well. I appreciate everything you do for me, and how much time you take out of a day to make sure I understand I am still such a big part of yours. You will always be a big part of mine.
Nothing you do is taken for granted. Half of my best qualities came from the two of you, and I must say I'm damn proud to be able to use them while getting into the real world.
Thank you for never giving up on me. I know sometimes I'm not the easiest to handle. You probably know that this street can go two ways. You've taught me patience through hardship, laughter from sadness, and courage from independence. My dreams are so close I can feel them, and that would not have been possible if I my heart hadn't felt your love first.
Mom and dad, I love you, I thank you, and I'll be calling soon.
Your Daughter