I swear I'm not trying to be too dramatic but your problems are well, problematic.
I like working with letters as a writer, but keep them out of math and I'd feel a lot brighter.
Why must you leave me feeling dumb? How come? You're easy for some, but I was left out of that sum.
Listening to people that think you're easy makes me queasy. How can anyone say you're "easy-breezy?" Am I the only one that thinks you're sleazy?
If I ever figure you out the whole world will hear me shout! But that day ever coming leaves me with doubt.
Why were you created? You leave me aggravated wondering what I miscalculated. Your disappearance from my life would be well celebrated.
When I was little you weren't such a big deal, but as I've gotten older the struggle is real. Would you please reveal how people think you're ideal?
I'll always use a pencil so I can erase all the numbers and letters I misplace. You leave me feeling like a disgrace as I watch the numbers become a jumble in front of my face.
The people in STEM? I don't pity them trying to figure out all your mayhem.
I struggle with math class, just hoping that I'll pass. Alas, you make it harder and only harass.
Every class I take makes my brain ache. Can you give a person a break and be less difficult to undertake?
I hate to complain, but you always leave me in pain. Some days it's so insane I get a migraine.
I'd be lying if I said you never left my crying. I promise I'm trying! I can't help it that the results are horrifying.
When I get homework I can almost feel you smirk. You know you drive me berserk but you don't care since you're a jerk.
You wonder why I've got stress? Just look at this mess! Jumbled letters and numbers to assess — it's no wonder I'm a slow work in progress.
Math, I'm sorry but I can't handle your wrath. Maybe it's better if we each follow a different path.
The girl that's more confused than a chameleon in a bag of skittles