Going into my freshman year at college, I can't lie, I was beyond nervous. I was a Jersey girl going to a school that was out of state in Rhode Island where I knew absolutely no one. I couldn't even begin to think about what I would ever do without all my friends from home. Now, in my junior year I can honestly say I've made some pretty kick-ass friends. I want to thank each and every one of you (you know who you are), for being the person that you are and putting up with all of my craziness (not to say you're any more normal than I am, but that's beside the point).
To the people I met in college who've grown to be my best friends,
I honestly can't even begin to thank you enough. Thank you for being your true selves around me and accepting me for doing the same. Although I'm not up in Rhode Island anymore; there wouldn't have been late night ice cream runs, all night Netflix marathons, and midnight heart-to-heart conversations when we couldn't sleep without any of you. Or waking up trying to piece together what each of us remembered from the night before but still couldn't figure out what the hell happened. Oh and I obviously can't leave out "Gaebe beach": enough said.
Thank you for being an open book. Nothing is ever off-limits with you guys. It is what it is; and I love you for that. If I'm being completely stupid about something, you let me know. You don't try to sugar-coat things to say what I want to hear; you're honest if an outfit doesn't look good or if a guy is a complete and total d-bag and I just haven't seen it yet. You're completely blunt when need be, even though it's harsh sometimes, it's much appreciated.
Thank you for all the heart-to-heart sessions. Without these, I probably would've been a ticking time-bomb just about ready to explode by now. Whether it was four in the morning or four in the afternoon you were always there ready to listen and dish out your more-than-helpful advice and reasoning.
Thank you for being the true and genuine definition of a friend. No lies, no bullsh*t, no unnecessary drama. I would never second-guess myself when it comes to trusting you guys. We respectively abide by the rules of the "girl code." There's never tension or strain put on our friendship; we don't hold things back from one another, and if there's a problem or something needs to be said, we let each other know.
Thank you for all of the memories I could never forget and for those that I'm still trying to piece together and remember. I wouldn't have done any of it any different.
And to those I'm continually meeting now in Jersey, I appreciate you all just as much. Here's to the memories that are soon-to-be and already are made.