Dear _______,
While writing this, I started wondering why I ever moved 1,100 miles away from you after graduation because honestly, I don’t always know how to get through the days without your support. Sure, we call and Facetime every day, or every other day (or at least once a week) but it’s not the same as breakfast bagels in the cafeteria and staring at the soccer players.
I miss the late night C-Store runs and the sleepovers in my bed because those were the times that I was really open about who I am. I was not afraid to be 100% myself around you because we were both adults and there was no status quo like there was in high school. You liked that I was open about my advocacy and that I never took no for an answer. I liked your sense of humor and your ability to always think about the big picture, which I struggled with.
We made each other better people. You are so wise for your age and you encouraged me to be rational and kind even when I was hurting or upset, but you also knew when to let me lash out and be in my feelings. You never judged me for the chip on my shoulder or the stupid decisions I made. I like to think that I pushed you to stand up for yourself and to find your voice.
You have grown so much since I met you and I am amazed at how much of a fighter you are. You never give up and when you are trapped, you make a new path for yourself. You are hardworking and dedicated and I know that that is going to push you so far in life.
I had to move on to grad school and because you are younger than me, you still had time left at our alma mater. I honestly don’t think you ever knew how guilty I felt for leaving you behind. But I knew our other friends would watch over you, and that I would visit you soon. I know it took me a year to finally get back, but when I did, it was like we were never apart.
And honestly, I was more nervous meeting your parents, than the family of anyone I’ve ever dated.
I want to say I’m sorry, because I know I get busy and I don’t call or text as much as I should. I know that I get wrapped up in my job and new friends, but you will never stop being my “Ride or Die”. We don’t live across the hall from each other anymore, but I would cross oceans to get to you if you needed me. I waited years to find you, and I’m not giving you up anytime soon.
We have had so many adventures already and I know there will be more in the future. Your wedding, my 30th birthday, your first kid, and my 40th birthday. We want different things in life, but we will always support each other in these endeavors.
So to the love of my life, my person, my college best friend, here is to many more years of inside jokes, fun times, firework shows, and facebook stalking.
Call me when you can,