Dear Coffee,
I know it is a little odd to be writing a letter to a beverage, but hear me are an extremely important part of my life. Why? Because you save my ass on the daily. Without you, I definitely would not make my 9am class, and possibly would not even make my 11am. Without you, I would be late for work on the weekends and would show up looking a mess. Without you, I would not have somewhere to go and sit on my computer for a few hours in between classes. Honestly, without you, I would be lost. Your caffeine boost not only kick starts my day, but also provides me with a true sense of relief.
Coffee, you are truly the greatest drink ever invented. You come in so many different flavors and styles. You have cute little shops dedicated solely to you. You have an entire empire built around your production. And, my personal favorite, you're always there when I need you. The smell that fills my apartment while you're brewing is such a comfort and a blessing. Also, thanks for being my fuel and best friend. You have no time limit. You have no better plans. You never leave me. I truly appreciate it.
You also never get boring. There is always a new flavor of coffee drink for me to try, and it keeps me on my toes. I love the pumpkin spice lattes that come with the fall. I love the peppermint mochas that appear in the winter. I love the ability to get you on ice with a shot of vanilla in the summer. There truly is no end to what you can do, Coffee. And there are a million cute mugs that accompany you!!!!
Basically, I'm trying to say I love you, but you already knew that. So instead, I'll end this letter with one last thank you. Forever in your debt, Your Biggest Fan.
PS: Did you know that when colonists came to America, they started drinking you in rebellion to the tea tax? Drinking coffee was a sign of freedom. God bless, Coffee.