To My Childhood Best Friends: You're Still The Sisters I Never Had | The Odyssey Online
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To My Childhood Best Friends: You're Still The Sisters I Never Had

There was no falling out, no bad blood, we've just followed our own paths and that's all we can do.

To My Childhood Best Friends: You're Still The Sisters I Never Had

R & M,

Everyone has childhood friends, but to me, you're much more than just the girls I hung out with when I was a kid. Your friendships to me are completely unique, unlike any other I've had, or will have.

When we met when I was five, we hit it off because our parents were friends, our houses were across from each other, and, well, we were kids. As such, we loved nothing more than running around outside and getting dirty all day, making noise, exploring in the woods, inventing games and sleeping at each other's houses. The two- and four-year age gaps between us, and the fact that you're sisters made no difference; we were kids, and that's all we needed in common to have fun together.

However, our friendship blossomed into much more than that, and I soon felt like your third sister. Every free moment we had was spent together, mainly walking around with our dogs, exploring the woods of our hometown, having conversations that are long since lost to our memories, but forming an indescribable connection. For 15 years, our friendship meant everything to me. I was comfortable with you like I was with no one else. You both knew things about me no one else did, and that still stands true. I felt like myself with, and because of you. Whether we were acting completely ridiculous and obnoxious, laughing til our faces hurt, or spilling our hearts to each other, I was happy - you were the family I never had.

Time moved on, as it does, and we eventually felt the effects of the age differences. We were all at different points in our lives, and in school, we had other friends; boyfriends eventually came into the picture, and we inevitably drifted a little bit. I think we all felt the need to break away from the trio, to have our own individual experiences, and become who we are. The thing is, you'll always be a part of who I am.

I won't lie, when I felt the beginnings of the distance between the three of us, I was heartbroken. I told some of my other friends that it felt like a break-up in a lot of ways. I had you guys around for fifteen years, always told you both everything, and we were always together. Suddenly, that wasn't the case anymore because life happened to, and around, us. And that's okay, even if it didn't feel okay for awhile. There was no falling out, no bad blood, we've just followed our own paths and that's all we can do.

That said, you'll always be two of my best friends no matter how much distance, or difference, there is between us. Our childhood/teen years together mark some of the best years of my life, and I associate so many things with it. Every time I go to one of "our" spots in the woods of Townsend, hear particular songs or watch certain movies, open a Harry Potter book, or read through our infamous Quote Book, I'm reminded of times in my life that I would never trade for anything.

I want you both to know that no matter what happens in our lives or where we go, I'm cheering you both on. You deserve ultimate success and happiness... I love you guys.

Also, I know this is the longest, sappiest thing I've ever written to you, so, as is our style, I need to remind you that if there ever is any bad blood... remember that I still have some really hideous and embarrassing photos of us (which is also why I couldn't use a real picture of us and had to google one...)

All my love,


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