“L’amour de Dieu est folie”
French definition for “the love of God is foolishness.”
Heartbreak is wrenching. A broken heart may be restless nights, mourning, or a tear stained pillow often inflicted by another individual or an out-of-control circumstance. It’s aching, scarring and altogether stripping.
I have had my fair share of heartbreaks that have caused me to search. I have searched for remedies and earthly materials in order to desperately ease the pain of my broken heart. Unfortunately, these earthly substitutes, in which I have chained myself to, either broke me even more or caused me to remain in a constant state of wrenching pain.
Luckily, though, my dude Jesus has recently sent me on a pursuit. A satisfactory, pleasant, and joyous experience in which I have begun to pursue and decipher the heart of J.
What I have found, so far, especially in the months since beginning my freshman year, is that there is a sweet simplicity in the love of Jesus that I tend to overcomplicate and overanalyze.
Yes, Jesus is powerful and omnipotent, but he is also fiercly gentle regarding His love for His children. One of my favorite songs - Pieces by Amanda Cook – sums up the love of J in the lyrics below.
“Your love's not fractured
It's not a troubled mind
It isn't anxious
It's not the restless kind
Your love's not passive
It's never disengaged
It's always present.”
After hearing this specific song, I began to sit and wrestle with this chilling, wild, and unbelievable concept of Jesus’s steadfast love for his children. The fact that Jesus’ love not only isn’t fractured, anxious, passive, or disengaged but that it chases after us with an unrelenting speed.
The undeniable fact that Jesus’ love is pure and all things wonderful to the point that Jesus chose to not only die for us but chooses daily to intercede with us on a personal level, is enough to heal my broken heart.
L’amour de Dieu est folie – Jesus’ love is foolish. His love is not based on our indiscretions, various accomplishments, or our good works. His love is generous and free. To most, the idea of an omnipotent God, loving unconditionally without prerequisites, is foolish. But to us, this foolish and wild love is the only satisfactory remedy that heals and comforts a broken heart.
This kind of love is the only thing that takes the pieces of our broken hearts and with a steady hand tenderly puts it back together by filling each piece with the most authentic, purified, and freeing love.
Take comfort in the revelation that Jesus is love, Jesus’ love is good, and J’s love is wanting to overwhelm your broken heart with His foolish love.