Dear Billy Joel,
For the longest time, I have been such a huge fan. Whenever you sing us a song because you're the piano man, you bring such joy to the world. Your music speaks to people on all different levels. You make those who are happy even happier, and you know how to get in touch with those who are sad. You are even able to make that girl with the nice white dress and a party on her confirmation feel like she's pretty damn awesome.
Growing up in New York, I've always felt a deep connection with being in a New York state of mind. I've never really desired to live anywhere else because of how much I absolutely love New York. Although, when The New York Times and The Daily News mentioned about your concert this year in Miami 2017, I felt like that was someplace I'd rather be.
Every morning, when I walk around school in my engineer boots, leather jacket, and tight blue jeans, I think about what my life would be like after college. Sometimes, it seems such a waste of time. But then again, if I want to be a big shot in this world, I need to suck it up and work as hard as I can. I pray to God that I will never have a marriage like Brenda and Eddie and that my husband will never let me go, tell me everything he feels, and give me every reason to accept that he's for real.
Billy Joel, if you ever walked into my house during a family party, it would be like walking into scenes from an Italian restaurant. Who's fighting with who, who lost weight, whose got a good job and a good office, and who is too occupied with picking a bottle of white and a bottle of red.
So Billy Joel, keep making my sweet romantic teenage nights even more worth while with your music. Keep on being the entertainer, because you have definitely won our hearts.