Life is hard. I know that. Everyone knows that. And life becomes substantially more difficult when you challenge yourself. And that's why we do it. Working on yourself is part of being human, and if no one challenged themselves we would all be at the same level. Sounds boring, right? It's important to make yourself more interesting; and do it for yourself, if for anyone. Make yourself more intelligent, faster, stronger, a better mother, sister, brother.
Whether you are going for a promotion, trying to lose weight, saving for a car or trying to get through that summer class, I'm here to tell you that it's important to keep pushing. I, for one, am the type of person who gives up on things as soon as they get hard. I've tried hundreds of diets, organizational plans and skincare routines only to abandon them once they become inconvenient. I'm working on it. I've never been big on pushing myself. I would much rather be comfortable, but it is easier to push if someone else if there for the ride. Challenging each other is pivotal in moving forward, and a little friendly competition can be your best friend.
Now, you may be going through something more difficult than skincare routines and that makes it all that more important. You find out who you are and what you're made of when you are faced with a challenge. So grit your teeth and finish that last set strong. Put your head down and keep putting in hard work at your job, school and at home, and remember why you started. You may not be able to see it, but you are improving every day.