Dear old friend,
I want to start this off by saying I’m sorry for becoming so distant and I hope that this letter finds you well. This was not easy to write, and at times, I did feel myself getting emotional. I would like to take some time to tell you a few things I think you should know:
1. Thank you
Thank you for not giving up on our friendship, even after I already had. Thank you for constantly inviting me places and reaching out.
2. You Made Me Strong
To say the least, you are one stubborn and sassy person. It only makes sense that those traits rubbed off on me. Because of you, I don’t let anyone walk all over me and I will always stand my ground.
3. I’m Sorry
I’m sorry that I stopped keeping in touch. I’m sorry that I backed out of the friendship. I’m sorry that it was so unexpected.
4. I Understand
I understand why you stopped reaching out. If I were in your shoes I would have stopped as well. I wish I hadn’t been so stubborn at the time.
5. I Wish I Could Take It Back
I wish I could take back the many nights of not answering texts and blowing off plans. However, I know that is impossible and that the damage has been done.
6. I Haven’t Forgotten About You
Like I said, you will always hold a very special place in my heart. We shared more than five years of memories together and that is something very hard to forget about. No matter what happens in this life, you will always be a part of my greatest memories.
7. I Do Stalk You On Social Media Still
Back when we were best friends, this was an everyday occurrence. Neither of us could post any sort of sad lyric without getting about 37 different texts from the other about why that was posted. Now, when I see a tweet or status I wonder, but I hold back the urge to ask.
8. I Still Care
Often I find myself thinking about you. I wonder how your grades are, how your boyfriend is and how your family is doing. I want to text you but I know that I am no longer the person you want to hear from. I know there is someone else who now has the title of your best friend.
9. I’m Still Here
I know it’s hard for you to believe, but if you EVER need me, I am still right here. We went through too many years of friendship for me to let that go. We may not hang out or text the way we used to, but you will always have a special place in my heart. You were there before a lot of people I have currently in my life.
10. I Miss You
A friend like you is one in a million, and without you, I’m not sure if I would have made it through high school. You were there for first break ups, new crushes to family problems. Some, if not all, of my best memories from high school involve you and your family.
A friend I hope you never forget