When you graduated high school, everyone always told you that the next year would be filled with making new friends, discovering who you are, and figuring out exactly what you want to do with your life. Leaving your first year of college, it is expected that you know exactly who you are, what you want to become, and what you need to do to get you to that point.
As someone who just finished their freshman year, I am here to tell you that none of that is true. I still have no idea who I am. I still question everyday if I am headed down the right career path and I still have no idea if what I'm doing is considered the "right thing." I still wonder if drowning myself in student loans will be worth it and I still question who the people in my life are worth trying for. As my freshman year comes to a close, I truly feel like I have nothing figured out, and that is okay.
Here's the thing, you are 19-years-old, and you have your entire life ahead of you; you're not supposed to have your life together and by no means are you supposed to know exactly who you are.
Stop comparing yourself to everyone else around you. Stop watching Snapchat stories of people you went to high school with who post videos every night with all of their new friends. Stop stalking the girl from high school who posts every week about her new, great accomplishments. Keep in mind that people only post the good things that go on in their lives- no one posts about the bad.
Stop comparing your present life to your high school life. High school is nothing like college and chances are, you are nothing like the high school version of yourself. New experiences change you, and hopefully they've changed you for the better.
Keep in mind that there are people out there who would die to be in your position. Realize how blessed you are to have the life that you have and make the most of the things that come your way.
Do not stop being the best version of yourself possible. Do not lose sight of your dreams, passions, and goals. Don't forget the reasons you love doing the things that you do, and don't stop doing the things that you love to do despite how busy you may be. One of the best people in my life once told me, "It's not about what you do, it's about WHY you do it." Never lose sight of that.
Most importantly, take a deep breath. Stop worrying about the future and stop wondering if you're doing the right thing. Enjoy moments for what they are. Let life happen and eventually you will look back and know that everything happened just the way it was supposed to happen.
What they don't tell you when you graduate high school is that your first year of college is a stepping stone. It's a time for you to get to know more about yourself. Yes, it is a year that will shape the type of person you become, but it will not determine the type of person you are. Continue to try to be the best version of yourself, but be confident that you are doing the right things. Everything will work out in the end. You do not have to have it all figured out.