What do you think of when you hear "social media"?
Probably the first thing that comes to mind are those pointless websites that your kids spend hours on, instead of "communicating" with you. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and any other thing that takes your child away from reality is your LEAST favorite thing.
You absolutely hate it when you are trying to talk to someone, and they are too invested in what is going on behind a digital screen.
You always say "nothing is private anymore, everyone knows everyone's business."
But honestly, you adults are the FIRST people to say, "hey did you see what so and so posted on Facebook," or "OMG! So and so looks so different in her profile picture from when I last saw her!" You hate reading everyones' opinions on social media sites, however, you CANT stop reading them. I bet each one of you is guilty of sitting at work, bored, tired, and thinking of what you can entertain your brain with for the time being. 50% of you will check Facebook, and an even bigger percentage will even post about how bored you are.
Don't lie, you LOVE seeing pictures of relatives and seeing where they are in life. You may hate seeing negativity every day, but when you dislike someone and you get to read about the problems they are having, you find an itty-bitty sense of joy out of it.
You HATED all the controversy during the Presidential election over Facebook, but yet you couldn't get yourself to stop reading what people had to say, and eventually, most of you posted your opinions.
So let's go back to what I mentioned before when you said, "nothing is private anymore, everyone knows everyone's business." That is 100 percent true, however, you don't hate it as much as you think you do. Even if you don't like it, YOU are part of this 21st century and through adaptation, you learn to have social media apart of your daily life.
To end this letter to adults, before you criticize how important social media is to the youth, think about how important it really is in your life. Because at the end of the day, for good reasons and for bad, social media is extremely important this day in age.