For the last two years of my time in high school, I had three beautiful people whom I called my best friends. These girls were beyond describable, and I have so much to thank them for. Without them, I would have never experienced high school at the level I did, and I have them to thank for turning me into the person I am today.
Of course, time didn't take mercy on our moments together. One afternoon in May, we all graduated and started to take our separate paths as we prepared for college. We are all attending colleges that are four hours apart from the closest person, with the greatest distance being about twelve hours. I am the furthest from home, which means I see them twice a year. It's only been a month since I went out under the lights with my girls in Iowa City and drank too much coffee, but I already miss them terribly. I constantly check my snapchat and social media to see how college is treating them, to make sure they are enjoying the life they deserve. Although I am making new friends, there will always be a space inside me that only those three people can fill. I've been thinking about them constantly lately, and have come up with a few things I want them to know:
I Miss Our Talks
Nothing was more comforting to me than the four of us snuggling up on the porch; discussing our recent boy problems or drama that we had gotten ourselves into. Somebody was always there to offer comfort, and another to offer truth. Most of my life decisions were at one point discussed with my best friends, and everything I've done has their input behind it. Whenever something happened in my life that was enough to turn me into a giddy school girl, my first thought was something along the lines of "can't wait to tell squad about this." A few hours later I would be telling them about it, and soaking up all of their energy and input they had to offer.
I Miss Visiting CP Foods and Not Getting Food
Two of my friends worked at the local food store in our small town, and I was a frequent visitor, but not for groceries. If somebody didn't answer my "hey guys guess what just happened" text within an hour, you bet I was booking it to CP Foods. Both of these girls were committed workers, and like any person with a job, wasn't always available for the short trips. However, we made sure that they were always somehow included in the action. Usually we would swing by and update them on what was happening in our world that night, and walked out with an abundance of cheesecake and brownies they would be joining us for later. No man was ever left behind.
I Miss Your Hugs
If there was an award out there for "worlds best comforting hugger," one of my friends would have a record in receiving it. Her hugs were an instant stress relief, and always reassured that it was going to be okay. If I failed a test, had a bad day, or done something stupid and was now regretting everything, her hugs were the simple solution. As soon as she held me close, the world was a better place.
I Miss Our Dinner Dates
I might be over exaggerating this statement to everybody else on the planet, but we had the best dinner dates. When somebody had a rough week or we were all feeling the weight of the world, someone would go "guys, it's time for Indian food." Within a few hours, were were all packed in the Jeep and on our way to a gourmet meal. Now, we didn't just stop with the Indian food. Our tradition was that after stuffing ourselves over naan, it was time to pack up and drive to Orange Leaf. After receiving our treat, we would sit in the middle of the parking lot, and complain about how full we were and the greatness of it. We made many life decisions in that parking lot, and the lines know many of our secrets.
I Miss Your Rude Honest Comments
This is directed towards one member in particular. She could lift more than any football player at our school, and probably easily beat them in a pasta eating contest. She was portrayed "tough as nails," which is an understatement. All of these qualities lingered in her personality as well. Her vocabulary was enough to make the wrestlers cry, and she tied that in with being brutally honest. Although this girl probably should have been on the football team, she has the biggest heart I know. Whenever I came to her with a problem, she would comfort me, tell me "you're being a *beep* idiot, every *beep* thing will be *beep* fine." Then we could go on a carb diet trip to Olive Garden.
I Miss How You All Laugh
Every single one of my best friends has this god awful witchcraft laugh. Which is probably why we make such great friends. When we had stayed up too late and someone said something that we found outrageously hilarious, it was like a pack of drunk seals. Hand clapping, snorting, and falling off the furniture were all parts of our laughing outbreaks.
I Miss You
Most importantly, I miss every single one of you. There will never be a day when I don't think of you all, and relive a few memories we created over the years. I think of the day that I will see you again, and how I will jump into your arms, and we will snuggle on the porch and converse about the past five months of college. We will then jump into the jeep and drive to Indian food, followed by a trip to Orange Leaf in the parking lot.
I miss you all so much, and I can't wait to see you soon.